Message from @moxiner
Discord ID: 678756877068402699
This is the most active yall chat been in 3 years faggots
This is the most active yall chat been in 3 years faggots
This is the most active yall chat been in 3 years faggots
I'm here to warn trump
they will backstab him
they has lots of bombs
"We're leftists raiding Trump because he's mean!" also "homophobic and racist remarks because haha that'll rile them up!"
It's as if you know he isn't racist or homophobic and play on it because you actually are.
that's Abdullah
and in this case, you hate Muslims
oh they banned
anyways i like Muslims
where is @EricWantsPotato 's ban?
I wasn’t banned I left bitches
I have a big dick nigga
i groped trumps Arabic step mom
in a bus
I don't understand leftists
I don't either
their memes is cancer
Abdullah is better at this
@EricWantsPotato invite Abdulah
wtf no
i wont stand for this non-scence
orange man bad
for the fifth time I'm not fucking raiding
i got invited here randomly
honestly dont ban then, label them as NPC's and quarantine them to their own channel so we can point and laugh xD