Discord ID: 334067713590820866
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! agree
Hello white niggers
@Deleted Account 737RM62Y926H is a cuckold @Deleted User
What do you have against homosexuals @EricWantsPotato ?
clearly you do
by spreading homophobia
You claim to not be homophobic
well you claim to not be homophobic. Those two "truths" don't check up when lined up next to one another
He can't decide if he wants to own up to being homophobic in this troll
or think he has a sense of moral superiority because he's a pathological altruist aka lefty
No he isn't.
He said their rapists, not they're
context and grammar matters, although you're illiterate so pearls before swine.
I think a Roblox server is raiding poorly.
yeah, democrats want to do that legally eventually
for now
Muslims are great hush your mouth.
"We're leftists raiding Trump because he's mean!" also "homophobic and racist remarks because haha that'll rile them up!"
It's as if you know he isn't racist or homophobic and play on it because you actually are.
and in this case, you hate Muslims
where is @EricWantsPotato 's ban?
I don't understand leftists
person above is 12
goat simulator?
looks like an Arab goat simulator
Be america
get bricked
xxxtentacion listening lmfao
man I'm glad he died
nothing of value was lost
fuck liberals
fuck leftists
memes from grandma
no bueno
need more spice
they've spammed racism and homophobia
while thinking Trump is a racist homophobe
so that's kinda funny
thinking too much of settling down, getting married, maybe having a kid or two. and then watch someone plow their spouse, over and over again. And those kids don't look a thing like you
I thought Trump was a racist until I saw his whole interview. How he never called Mexicans rapists, but how hard the media went in on him. Watch the whole video.
I was close. Not roblox, but minecraft
here's brandon's youtube page: is his IP address
charleston, SC?
poor brandon
out in SC
that's where I live actually
Out in Fort Mill
I don't fuck kids sorry
mr minecraft
it doesn't, you are correct.
here's your roblox
lmfao called it
It was racist
She gossiped and called some folks felons that weren't
And it happened to be the only black folks there
@V O I D you're no different, being hyper focused on race.
get a job
since boomer thinks mp4 gonna fuck his pc
sure it is
someone vet me
I campaigned in SC for Trump back in 2016
where we won all the delegates
down in columbia, SC
yeah they're always afk
it's not a platform, it's a publisher.
if bernie wins the election, I doubt he'll last long enough to pass any legislation.
a lot of patriots believe in the whole better dead than red bit quite literally
plus we have three branches of government
obama had a supermajority
and did the most damage during those first two years
Trump 2024
I think we as conservatives do a poor job at reaching out to the youth
I was a liberal until I was... 24?
and I was "gibe me gobbunism" pseudointellectual until that time.
I was legit angry a lot
being a conservative is much happier time
I was never against guns though, oddly enough
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