Message from @YungSkolKing
Discord ID: 679140447259721744
>Sperm contains compounds that prolong lifespan, fight cancer & heart disease
>Men who are sexually active in their 20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer
>Masturbation decreases dopamine
>Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex
>Porn addiction has similar mechanism with substance addiction
>Making sperm shortens lifespan of male worms
>Masturbating 3 days in a row decreases sperm count by 20%
>Increasing ejaculation frequency decreases sperm count significantly
>Prevalence of erectile dysfunction doubled between 2004 and 2013
>Pornography consumption associated with mental health issues
Whelp, to late to stop now.
@William Foster no more cooming, ever
How's this server so dead
Isn't this Trump's official discord
@William Foster you need to get vetted for access to the hopping member channels
lol this is discord haha
Check pinned messages
What's vetting entail?
“You only have access to a limited selection of channels until you’ve been vetted into the sever. To be vetted, please message a moderator (I'm usually available) with a reddit, Twitter, discord, or any social media history. Pictures of trump gear also work. If you have any of this — and would like to be vetted to gain access to our most popular channels — send this information in the first message and standby.”
Social media history ahhaha
What are you the FBI?
Do people actually fill that out?
If you dont like the process you dont have to join
It’s as easy as checking for pro trump comments on your reddit account. Not a big deal. We just don’t want cucks and leftists running rampant just because they got an invite link. That’s why we have these open channels.
Sharks, I am upset at my team's (wild) performance against the sharkies
That’ll work. Thanks
Bad ass
Sanders is having a rally on Twitch... 740 people are watching him...
1,300 people are watching some guy play some random game...
2,200 people are watching a cute girl do ASMR...
how many people do trump streams get?
Dunno, I haven't seen Trump stream
3,750 people for the state of the union...
For what channel?
1550 for an earlier video, 550 for another... 950 for most recent... 2000 for an earlier...
Trump streams get rather varied amount of viewers lol
what about on YT?
also, i meant live
That is how many people were viewing live
I'm honestly surprised that there's Twitch stream for POTUS
Speaking of which: there's going to be a Trump rally on Wednesday
Any mods on? Need assistance please. @IamTHE3percent <@!284436637520363520>