Message from @Big Ron
Discord ID: 682186629623840844
Good evening, at least from Guam
>all the democratic debates this year and last year
“I can beat donald trump. Don’t vote for orange man because he’s terrible. vote for me because i fix problem drunpf make.”
pretty sure that the december debate was nothing but “orange man bad” talks
trump is like shit
this server is shit
here's a funny fucking story
so today at school this kid wanted to slapbox me
so he just starts slamming his hand as hard as he could against my head
and he breaks his thumb against my fucking meathead
and then i got sent to the fucking associate principal for "breaking his thumb"
like fuck that shit
so is this server gonna get the new cucked mods too?
No Reddit has no power here.
And liberals cry when they get kicked 👍
When don't they cry
Any FL peeds that might possibly be a LEO? I want to get my voter registration up to date so I can vote for trump but I’m unsure how to honestly answer one of the questions on the form.
12000 member?
I think i was
Called the Donald shit