Message from @flyy
Discord ID: 682513557748973588
here uploading now
feel free to distribute and whatever
obv not the best-looking thing to come out of t_d community
but i do what i can 😃
upside down flag is something a libtard would do
upside-down flag is a sign of distress buddy
I know what it is buddy
it's something a libtard would do
like taking a knee
If trump wins again these LIBCLOWNS better not pull any more garbage
Like russia or Ukraine
here armi why don't you recreate it yourself
I'd wager 80% chance of a second term 99% chance of more garbage
why are you even here
To chat
About maga dont look like it
how so?
... uh huh and?
I think he means garbage from pelosi and company
who let the 12 year olds in
the context was garbage like russia
🤐 spoke too soon
all good it looks bad out of context
Trump needs to ban incoming flights from china
i'm sure there was a push for a travel ban somewhere
pretty sure it's under control after the statement trump made today
we're talking about a few people
Globalism is more dangerous than coronavirus
china is fucked though
backup donald sites dont load for me, stuck with that cloudflare shit or w/e
@ArteriusIV how did you get that yellow suit
have a few others
Thanks fam