Discord ID: 559213111198875658
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is anyone able to post on T_D
i made a sort of warning message that i want to get out
here uploading now
feel free to distribute and whatever
obv not the best-looking thing to come out of t_d community
but i do what i can ๐
upside-down flag is a sign of distress buddy
here armi why don't you recreate it yourself
why are you even here dont look like it
> 99% chance of more garbage
๐ค spoke too soon
i'm sure there was a push for a travel ban somewhere
@magapotus basically reddit admins thanos-snapped the moderator team because they were 'unfit' to run t_d
they introduced self-imposed moderator applications
communists run reddit
i got a similar score but more libertarian
why so?
liberal today is LIBERAL liberal
i thought authoritarian was a progressive thing? = more government control?
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