Message from @CthulhuOnIce
Discord ID: 687392332240388098
Imma go finish watching dateline (I know I know it’s NBC but I like listening to the mysteries) so later gators
well when you take away a person's freedom of choice, they're indentured servants
when you force doctors to either work for the state or starve, they're indentured servants
when you force people to get their bread from government, you make them indentured servants
if we could program machines to provide health care, then I could see a push for more of a baseline level of care provided, but it wouldn't have to be the government.
The only part of healthcare that is abolished is private insurance, the only difference is with m4a the government pays the bill
I've already heard this argument a million times
and who pays the government tho
The government doesn't invade and take over the hospitals
Man you are one vile piece of shit. Just taking in everything you're staying
how is he vile in any way chieftain
Yes. The government pays the bill
the government sets the rules
the government sets the prices
the government runs your life
But the government does invade and take over my money
Seems an unfair accusation to me
@LC the government does indeed govern, and they won't stop anytime soon
I'll keep my freedom to do business with who I choose, and at what price I choose, thanks.
How come the government taking like 20% of your check is theft when your company taking 98% of your profits isn't
Most people would save money in m4a
no company has ever taken "98% of my profits"
The government has one essential role, which is the protection from other nations from invading or controlling our nation.
The company pays you in return for your work
@dairypillows pays peanuts, especially compared to the big man on top
you're fucking retarded.
@CthulhuOnIce have you ever taken an accounting class?
When I go to work for a company, I negotiate how much MY labor per hour is worth, and agree to that.
yes negotiate lol
If you've never negotiated during a job interview, you're a fucking moron.
"you'll work for us at this rate or lose your healthcare and die"
Have you ever actually applied and gotten a job @CthulhuOnIce
@dairypillows yeah?
so all the people without healthcare before obamacare were dead
I’m more of an absolute anarchy person myself
Fuck Obamacare lol
@CthulhuOnIce and did you negotiate your pay?
Sure, but I work for a small business.
I support and like small business.
1. You have the freedom to negotiate your wages
2. You have the freedom to quit and work for a competitor paying more
3. You have the freedom to start a competitive company
4. You have the freedom to walk away any time you choose
There’s your answer and if you don’t like big business don’t work for them.
..if you're not poor @LC
> 1. You have the freedom to negotiate your wages
> 2. You have the freedom to quit and work for a competitor paying more
> 3. You have the freedom to start a competitive company
> 4. You have the freedom to walk away any time you choose
@LC amen
It feels like I’m watching the Anti-View when I take a peek in here