Message from @CIA | RAMELLA

Discord ID: 691818496090439740

2020-03-24 01:12:46 UTC  

He's a specialist.

2020-03-24 01:13:16 UTC  

It's pretty obvious that epidemiologists shouldn't be running our economy.

2020-03-24 01:13:17 UTC  

The media, at the very least, is doing what it can to increase panic of the virus because they see it has an adverse effect on the stock market. So they can blast panic at people and then claim that "Trump's economy is failing".

2020-03-24 01:13:44 UTC  

The stock market is crashing because of actual economic slowdown, not because of panic.

2020-03-24 01:14:10 UTC  

Panic and sudden unreasonable hoarding don't help.

2020-03-24 01:14:21 UTC  

So you think it’s a coincidence it coincides with virus?!

2020-03-24 01:14:24 UTC  

It's all well and good to tell people "It's just money, man. These are lives." But as I told my mother today, it makes no sense to shut down an entire country's economy because of this. Tell the "it's just money, man" schtick to a man who owns a business that employs ten people because the government ain't gonna bail him out, jack. They'll bail out Boeing, though. And ExxonMobile. etc.

2020-03-24 01:14:37 UTC  

It's pretty obvious, the fed has lowered interest rates, other national governments have been shutting down and international trade is near nonexistent.

2020-03-24 01:15:01 UTC  

No the recession wasn’t due until after election UNLESS a natural event bumped up the timeline

2020-03-24 01:16:14 UTC  

This is an ORCHESTRATED coup

2020-03-24 01:16:20 UTC  

You also have county judges here in Texas telling people that they can't congregate in their homes. You can't open your business or bar. I guess property rights don't mean anything anymore in our common law system.

2020-03-24 01:17:03 UTC  

This virus is less deadly than a common cold

2020-03-24 01:17:22 UTC  

20% mortality rate for the elderly.

2020-03-24 01:17:26 UTC  

Now hold up. It is definitely more deadly than the common cold.

2020-03-24 01:18:09 UTC  

20x more deadly than the flu. The common cold doesn't have a measurable death rate because the common cold is so scarcely fatal.

2020-03-24 01:18:21 UTC  

Well there’s a reason we call them “elderly” isn’t there

2020-03-24 01:18:52 UTC  

The deadliness of the Chinese virus is actually closer to a particularly deadly strain of influenza, but only in regards to the elderly, young, and immunosuppressed.

2020-03-24 01:19:19 UTC  

So, y'know, don't visit the old folks home for a while.

2020-03-24 01:19:26 UTC  

You also have to consider people with pre-existing conditions. Diabetes. Hypertension. Heart disease. Lung disease. etc. etc.

2020-03-24 01:19:27 UTC  

Even the flu *(annual strain) has a death rate <1% for elders, the coronavirus is much more dangerous. And @MaikuPens is right, the Spanish flu killed 1% of the world population despite being just the flu.

2020-03-24 01:19:42 UTC  

There will be more suicides than Corona deaths!

2020-03-24 01:20:20 UTC  

If the Democrats really cared about people's lives and preventing contagion, they would shut down the damn border.

2020-03-24 01:20:47 UTC  

Italy was also just really stupid because they had a "Hug a Chinaman" holiday right after the WHO said that we should start social distancing.

2020-03-24 01:21:12 UTC  

And Italy is full of retiring boomers.

2020-03-24 01:21:14 UTC  

The Israelis immediately shut down their borders and had scientists working on a molecular clamp for this thing. this is because they have a functioning society. We don't.

2020-03-24 01:21:16 UTC  

This isn't a coup, it's a natural disaster. Clearly, it's rate of spread is higher than that of the flu (measured reproductive rate of 2 vs. 1), and it's mortality rate is 10-20x higher. That prompts governments to issue lockdowns. Without a vaccine, the disease could kill hundreds of thousands.

2020-03-24 01:22:01 UTC  

Ello ello you should be at home being quite

2020-03-24 01:22:30 UTC  

We probably won't have a fully accurate measure until after the disease is either fully contained or run its course, tbh.

2020-03-24 01:22:32 UTC  

Herd mentality is also unavoidable, so of course people are going to panic. Even modest media coverage won't change that.

2020-03-24 01:22:50 UTC  

"You just want to go to a bar and drink," I hear from some people. Well, hell yeah. It's my hard earned money.

2020-03-24 01:23:29 UTC  

Ofc I want to go pub and drink. I'm British <:TrumpDisgust:624681485525319681>

2020-03-24 01:24:13 UTC  

But Boris grounded me like a kid <:nooooo:624688733211459584>

2020-03-24 01:24:20 UTC  

For all we know, the death rate is overinflated by number disparity. We can tell who died from the virus, but with so few testing kits, we don't know exactly how many are actually infected. So we end up with low numbers of those who are infected and relatively accurate numbers of fatalities.

2020-03-24 01:25:31 UTC  

So, yeah, I tend to be skeptical to any death rates above around 10%, simply because we can't tell yet.

2020-03-24 01:26:10 UTC  

Our testing kit capability is well off enough, so is South Korea's. Death rate is 1.2%. *for both nations

2020-03-24 01:26:49 UTC  

China's rate is 3%, most likely due to inadequate care, Italy's is likely inaccurate.

2020-03-24 01:27:42 UTC  

This is interesting. I'm reading the Dallas County injunction for shelter in place. "vii. News Media. Newspapers, television, radio, and other media services," is labeled as an essential service that is exempt from this injunction. Interesting. The parasitic media gets to harm public health by not practicing social distancing, but God forbid you want to have a funeral mass for a relative. God forbid you need to have your daughter bat mitzvahed.

2020-03-24 01:27:44 UTC  

1.2% seems more accurate.

2020-03-24 01:28:40 UTC  

Then again, it depends on the region as well. New York has a rate that's estimated to be .9%, whereas rural places are more likely to be much higher.

2020-03-24 01:30:25 UTC  

@Pytokonda 🐏 You need to stand in line for your daily bowl of gruel, I guess.

2020-03-24 01:30:25 UTC  

It’s getting bad in upstate ny atm