Message from @Mr. Navarone
Discord ID: 467336997779013644
I don’t know if this has been discussed in here before, but full-auto is hugely overrated. There are two uses for full-auto, and they’re closely related: suppression and intimidation. When there is something spraying large quantities of bullets at you, you don’t want to leave cover, and it can be pretty spooky. However, it’s a big waste of ammo. If you have a selective fire rifle with a full-auto option, use semi anyways. From what I understand, best practice is to use two shots of semi-auto at a single target. Full-auto causes a lot of drift due to recoil, which means most of your bullets are landing around the target, not on it. Two rapid semi-auto shots will be more likely to hit your target, and most likely kill it if you do hit it. If there is anyone with formal military training that can contradict me, please do, but the info I have is from someone in the military.
Semi auto or burst
@RedSunRises I am learning how to effectively use a Bolt Action Rifle.
My Wakizashi.
And I will post my Carcano upon getting it.
I am not nor will I ever be a fatty.
Do you wear a fedora while slashing waterbottles?
Just get a machete instead
Right you slash melons
@Mr. Navarone Eh I will stick w/ that and I slash nothing.
The that being my Wakizashi.
Get yourself a weapon that can also be a tool
Axe, machete, knife
Fair enough.
Might also get a sledge hammer.
Sledge Hammers are good breaching tools.
The virgin killdozer vs the Chad stolen Abrams
Killdozer was Chad. He needed a Flak 38.
In the "Flakvierlling" set up (i.e. Quad 38's).
Perhaps even a DSHK-T
chad cossack sword fighting vs virgin weeaboo
>using slant-eye weapons
Fishing in CT
Fucking hate weed