Message from @Scooter
Discord ID: 282729754447183872
I've seen pek before but not frequently
Yo, it's back.
@Iamawesom I made that ^_^
These things are not mutually exclusive.
Go there and show lolis
You have a very good understand of cute. @Iamawesom
Stupid phone is on the lowest sound volume and the YouTube video I'm trying to watch is still ear rape level
I'm going to watch animu cya
just saw this
Just wtf
I hate our ((("modern" culture)))
it's all rooted in nihilism
We need to go back to a more traditional culture.
due to the promenence of nihilism, and the widespread acceptence of it as """"truth""""
Pedos in the media have been pushing this shit for a long time.
You guys checking out the HWNDU livestream?
They're a lot more militant.
Overthrowing the government, decrying hillary and shit.
But the signs are standard produced.
I thought that stream got shut down?
Back up in Albuquerque outside the Holocaust Museum.
Back up less than a few hours.
The holocaust museum? You can't make this shit up.
It's deliberate.
Probably think that 4Chan wouldn't say nazi stuff outside the holocaust museum.
there are going to be
SOOOOOOOOOO many happy merchants
A month before it gets shut down and moved again
they arre wrong