Message from @Apollo

Discord ID: 489150670566326272

2018-09-11 18:24:42 UTC  


2018-09-11 18:25:26 UTC  

haha no man , i think i confused you, the game largely sticks to the lore of the books and add to it in a way where it would be fittin and lore friendly.

2018-09-11 18:25:52 UTC  

Netflix/The producers of the SERIES said they are gonna follow the books strictly

2018-09-11 18:26:47 UTC  

so i was using their statement against them, being so strict to the lore that geralt will be clean shaven, but then 5min after that saying they are gonna make a MAJOR character black/not part of the lore

2018-09-11 18:26:59 UTC  

cuz ciri is explained in the books to be pale and white

2018-09-11 18:27:11 UTC  

No I understand that completely

2018-09-11 18:27:28 UTC  

I get you

2018-09-11 18:27:32 UTC  

sorry if i confused you hahaha

2018-09-11 18:27:43 UTC  

I wasn't don't worry XD

2018-09-11 18:27:43 UTC  

hopefully you now get what i was saying

2018-09-11 18:27:47 UTC  


2018-09-11 18:27:52 UTC  

That's why I said it's stupid

2018-09-11 18:28:02 UTC  

Cause I understand why you're annoyed now

2018-09-11 18:29:36 UTC  

yeah, i love the witcher, would defend anything that SJW;s try to fuck up. for example even tho im not a huge star wars fan i kinda feel the pain of having someone fuck up childhood/gaming/movie memories

2018-09-11 18:31:24 UTC  

Same, It was such a shake-up in the industry. After playing it I've never really had the same investment in any other game

2018-09-11 18:31:42 UTC  

That's why I was so excited for the TV series. But now...

2018-09-11 18:32:02 UTC  

Mxm. Another dream crushed I guess

2018-09-11 18:34:11 UTC

2018-09-11 19:00:11 UTC  

Still not fond of them choosing Superman...why? Just because his voice? I can see a slight resemblance, but it's not enough..would honestly be better if the whole movie was computer generated so that Geralt..looks, sounds, and behaves as Geralt does in the games....I'm sick of people who don't play video games or those who don't know about lore...producing films..just because they can...they rarely do content\characters justice..I wish they would just stop... @Apollo Assassin's Creed for example..couldn't even finish that fucking film..

2018-09-11 19:09:13 UTC  

I'm comfortable with henry cavill he has some resemblance to geralt and special effects and makeup will help alot, looking from fan edits and photoshops im happy. henry cavill is also a fan of the game and the books, he has played some /medievel/fantasy roles. He is such a huge nerd he missed the casting call for justice league because he was playing world of warcraft @ZombieQueen

2018-09-11 19:10:07 UTC  

I'm just happy we got someone who is a fan, that to me is a huge win.

2018-09-11 19:13:48 UTC  

AC was boring, nearly fell asleep

2018-09-11 19:14:39 UTC  

Let's hope his interpretation gives us a decent portrayal. He may be all of those things, and that's fucking awesome if he knew\liked the games\character beforehand, but that doesn't mean he can control production or the direction they take the film. He's just acting in it. 😛 @Apollo

2018-09-11 19:20:02 UTC  

He is a fan and i don't see him turning on the community of book lovers and game lovers. he will try and do his best within his limits of his contract, but I'm sure he would not sign it if it didn't respect the lore and characters @ZombieQueen

2018-09-11 19:20:42 UTC  

but i understand that the image of superman is hard to shake, thank goodness for make up and special effects😂

2018-09-11 21:26:57 UTC

2018-09-11 21:45:07 UTC  

Yeah the ciri thing is a huge dick move considering they want to stay true to the books.

To paraphrase Cirilla's description from the books, she is tall, but not as tall as Geralt, but considerably taller than Triss and Yennefer, she reaches up to Geralt's shoulder, and is slender and slim, "cigarette built", because of her elven genes, more skinny than curvy, boyish-like hips, and her face is evergreen youthful "baby face" with big round clear green eyes with a white complexion, plump lips and little nose, but the only thing differring from her girlish look is the very strong angular jaw (think Megan Fox, but not as angular as Monica Lewinsky). Her cheekbones are also not that expressive, and her face shape is triangle. Her hair is straight, fine and thin, ashen-blonde.

Well, if they going to take the liberty of straying from the book in this regard, you can bet they will push other boundaries. This will be yet another platform to push political propaganda, after all, the Witcher series is highly charged with racist and heathen themes, the interpretation is what scares me really, considering the ideology that is running with project. Going to be interesting to see how they portray Ciri, considering CDPR had to tone down her character to be rather appealing to the players, in the book she leans more to the darker side psychologically, with evil intentions. Will we see this side Ciri portrayed accurately considering she's now going to be blek? Lol

2018-09-11 22:01:27 UTC

2018-09-11 22:02:14 UTC

2018-09-11 22:02:26 UTC  

new netflix movie

2018-09-11 22:03:00 UTC

2018-09-11 22:03:20 UTC

2018-09-11 22:03:36 UTC

2018-09-11 22:04:43 UTC

2018-09-11 22:05:24 UTC

2018-09-11 22:06:49 UTC

2018-09-11 22:14:36 UTC

2018-09-11 22:18:05 UTC

2018-09-11 22:41:51 UTC  

This is one thing that I can't really abide nowadays...Changing things that were one way to begin with..some fucking PC replacement...The 13th rendition of Dr. Who...I will probably not even watch any season with Jodi Whitaker as the Doctor...It was a completely unnecessary and illogical change.....If the Doctor was female to begin with I wouldn't have a problem..but he wasn't..and has never been..until now...I know there are female Time Lords, but they were already female...they didn't change into females..

As for Disney lol..I'm fine with them having POC princesses\princes, as long as they are NEW ones and are stand alone..not a "corrected" version to replace the original..same for when they change originally male characters into females...really grinds my fucking gears. @Apollo

2018-09-12 00:18:24 UTC  


2018-09-12 03:19:21 UTC