Message from @Cobra
Discord ID: 468086952034304010
still my fav song
I didn't know you liked rap
i rarely fucking do
like really rarely
when i do its usualy stuff like this
I can tell you are more for the lyrical stuff
It does copy nigger music
But since it’s a Russian I’ll let it pass
theres no translation for this song. best i can do is translate it from ukrainian to polish and from polish to english
I have two rappers that I love alot, and are basically the only rappers I listen to
Vinnie Paz and Hopsin
It's good shit
I also don’t understand why one of the comments said long live the USSR
the song sings about the sheep mentality, their (lemmings) materialism and spiritual decadence
I think if America were more like Ukraine we'd be ready for a rahowa no question about it.
ukraine isnt real
then again neither are you
😂 this one is also alot about sheep mentality and conspiracies
We're just figments of your imagination?
More like
you're a fake creation, a frankeshtein of identities
ukraine more like
kiev (polish)
That is one sparked on spic
Gunny you like Vinnie?
I understand everything he says in "End of Dayz"
A frankenstein of identities? I guess you could say that about America.
That's reasonable
like, what has like to do with truth
Ukraine though, idk
ukraine translates to borderland
Ukraine does have a good militia for private civilians
its not a real country, its identity is being a border duude what the fuck