Message from @SeizeTheMeans

Discord ID: 495360274333958144

2018-09-28 22:14:04 UTC  

Exactly, that's the whole population of Cape town for example

2018-09-28 22:14:57 UTC  

but still we should be allowed to discuss ideas, like I can say dutch people are hella tall without raising any eyebrows

2018-09-28 22:15:18 UTC  

And if those with higher IQs work in the suburbs and cities and those with lower IQs do rural work you may never need to meet a low IQ person in your life

2018-09-28 22:16:03 UTC  

IQ is such a small part of the picture, not wanting to meet 'low IQ' individuals is in itself questionable

2018-09-28 22:16:11 UTC  

The Dutch example is interesting but nobody has ever used their height as a reason to deny them rights like IQ has for black people

2018-09-28 22:16:35 UTC  

the US military discriminates on IQ

2018-09-28 22:16:43 UTC  

because it's life and death

2018-09-28 22:17:52 UTC  

discriminating on race instead of IQ makes no sense, because IQ is easy to test for and race is impossible to test for

2018-09-28 22:17:53 UTC  

The US military hasn't flat out denied certain races based on their average IQ though. They test individuals. Systems like American segregation and Apartheid flat out took away black people's rights based on their supposed intelligence

2018-09-28 22:18:41 UTC  

I don't think intelligence was the ultimate motivation for grand apartheid

2018-09-28 22:18:56 UTC  

it was about cultural differences

2018-09-28 22:19:15 UTC  

but I'm going to get shat on here if I even talk about this stuff

2018-09-28 22:19:22 UTC  

It was certainly one of them. It's why blacks were given a dumbed down education system and used for hard labor

2018-09-28 22:21:07 UTC  

are you from south africa? have you seen the school system here? Nelson Mandela and Oliver Thambo were practicing lawyers in the 60s

2018-09-28 22:21:18 UTC  

If the stereotypical "black cultural traits" of laziness and looking for handouts were true, why would the Apartheid government make them do additional work? Wouldn't you want supposedly highly motivated whites doing the work because they have a better cultural work ethic?

2018-09-28 22:21:48 UTC  

@rob you know Mandela was educated in a missionary school right

2018-09-28 22:22:04 UTC

2018-09-28 22:22:05 UTC  

Thankfully he was born too early for Bantu education

2018-09-28 22:22:59 UTC  

Bantu produced the Zuma's and his generation of politicians

2018-09-28 22:23:33 UTC  

you're right, sorry

2018-09-28 22:24:52 UTC  

Apartheid definitely fucked up a few generations of black South Africans. It's not being an SJW to admit this. It's just called having a bit of sympathy. Like a human

2018-09-28 22:27:49 UTC

2018-09-28 22:27:55 UTC  

the people's war fucked up lives more than the bantu education

2018-09-28 22:28:05 UTC  

And the current government has absolutely failed it's people

2018-09-28 22:28:15 UTC  

Absolutely rob

2018-09-28 22:28:54 UTC  

apartheid was inefficient, just because shit is fucked up now doesn't mean that apartheid was any good

2018-09-28 22:29:10 UTC  

race classification is retarded

2018-09-28 22:29:16 UTC  

It was great chatting to you

2018-09-28 22:29:21 UTC  

cheers man

2018-09-28 22:29:30 UTC  

sorry about the aggro earlier

2018-09-28 22:29:40 UTC  

No problem

2018-09-28 22:30:26 UTC  

busy news day for yall saffers and yanks

2018-09-28 22:30:37 UTC  

It's obviously possible to discuss race and IQ without devolving into racist meme posting. All without heavy moderation. It just seems that Willems and Renaldos discords attract different kinds of people

2018-09-28 22:30:48 UTC  


2018-09-28 22:30:52 UTC  


2018-09-28 22:31:01 UTC  

I like drenaldos bring it on additude

2018-09-28 22:31:18 UTC  

I think willem's discord is absorbing a lot of kak that would be here if it wasn't there

2018-09-28 22:31:48 UTC  

Yeah he was set up by that black unicorn group

2018-09-28 22:32:40 UTC  

meh, all publicity

2018-09-28 22:33:12 UTC  

willem has a calling, he will be tested like Job

2018-09-28 22:33:19 UTC  

Def need limited scope, good mods, rule sets, etc