Message from @The Haifisch ᛉ卐
Discord ID: 471881839565340672
Dang, I really like IRA songs
Isnt this guy a commie
@everyone meeting time
@everyone meeting time
Hoodies sound dank
Zip or pull over ?
Jack black is a Jew but doesn’t look like one
I think he’s shabbos tho
Is his real last name Blackowicz?
I’m not sure. Probably not
Kick ass at Charlottesville borther
Daniel played a skinhead in a movie
That doesn’t mean nothing but still
Why would a Jew play a skinhead?
They created skinheads to be a mockery of real nazis , or something
That's said a lot
Why pay to go in the Shoah museum?
We should have a chat for VC
Just a thought
B A S E D Yeager
This isn’t watchdogs nigga
Hack a fucking street light
@The AUNI the IRA was really good at what were going to have to do soon
Their songs are the best as well
He’s pretty cool
I ain’t say shit
seems ive missed quite a bit
@Casper delete this