Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 550960089004244993

2019-03-01 07:42:45 UTC  

Alright, @Rev Blixky🌀 has been warned for '**Duplicated text**'.

2019-03-01 07:42:49 UTC  

Alright, @Rev Blixky🌀 has been warned for '**Duplicated text**'.

2019-03-01 07:42:53 UTC  

Alright, @Rev Blixky🌀 has been warned for '**Duplicated text**'.

2019-03-01 07:43:20 UTC  

bro im a communist for a reason

2019-03-01 07:46:08 UTC  

@Zoom. Why are you communist? I want to know exactly why

2019-03-01 07:46:33 UTC  

ima message u real quick

2019-03-01 07:46:39 UTC  


2019-03-01 07:50:23 UTC  

@Deleted User go to ur dm i sent u a message

2019-03-01 07:57:20 UTC  

Alright, @Rev Blixky🌀 has been warned for '**Duplicated text**'.

2019-03-01 08:08:57 UTC  

Fuck communism

2019-03-01 08:09:04 UTC  

Fuck socialism

2019-03-01 08:09:09 UTC  

We don’t want that shit

2019-03-01 08:09:57 UTC  

Democratic-Socialism is just capitalism with a little extra help for the poor who cannot afford medical bills, taxes, etc.

2019-03-01 08:11:57 UTC  

So here is a simple fact:
Communism does not work
Socialism does not work without capitalism
Capitalism does not work without socialism
Socialistic-Capitalism (or Democratic-Socialism) works

2019-03-01 08:31:20 UTC  

Laissez faire gang

2019-03-01 08:32:06 UTC  

I'd rather get rid of welfare all together and completely privatize the healthcare industry

2019-03-01 08:34:01 UTC  

Welfare gets rid of incentive to work

2019-03-01 08:34:32 UTC  

If the healthcare industry was privatized and de regulated competition would be brought back

2019-03-01 08:34:42 UTC  

Causing prices to fall

2019-03-01 08:35:00 UTC  

And new incentives for technological advancement to rise

2019-03-01 08:38:41 UTC  

Same was said about airplane companies and there is actually no real compitition

2019-03-01 08:38:58 UTC  

For blacks and Hispanics, yes. But for whites? Broadly no. Part of my ideal government assistance program is not just granting the working class and the impoverished hand outs and public housing but they must also agree to pay for their stake in the Nation by work. @Deleted User Public health care in European countries and Australia and New Zealand while generally it may not be as of a higher quality than US medical care it’s superior to de regulated private health care. Because weirdly enough, the private health care sector is more or cooperative with the state.

2019-03-01 08:40:28 UTC  

The longevity of a Laissez fair system is piss poor at best. But if you want your politics to be dictated by the Kochs, by all means go ahead.

2019-03-01 08:42:25 UTC  

My friend my political system doesn't revolve around democracy at all in fact I'm for a government with sat rules and laws that can't be changed and no new laws may be added so no we would not be ruled by kochs

2019-03-01 08:44:53 UTC  

Would you be for synthesise of market, corporate and national interests to best serve the general population? Vis a vis are you for or against Corporatism?

2019-03-01 08:45:49 UTC  

corporatism gay by Laissez Faire gang

2019-03-01 08:45:49 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 8!

2019-03-01 08:51:12 UTC  

Why is Corporatism gay? The only way a Lassiez Fair state could work properly is under the pretext that the bakers, business men, and industrialists are all driven by morality than profit alone: eg Henry Ford. However, Laissez fair capitalism erodes this moral frame work overtime because they will follow market forces dictated by popular trends that can lead to these capitalists blinding themselves by greed and financing special interests groups that promote various social ills.

2019-03-01 08:52:00 UTC  


2019-03-01 08:54:11 UTC  

What kind of response is that lol?

2019-03-01 08:54:57 UTC  

I don't really care about social Ills tbh people can sort that out themselves

2019-03-01 09:02:22 UTC  

Can’t you recognise that the increasingly popularity of gang culture, hook up culture, drug abuse, suicide, divorce, single parent hood, f a g g o t r y gone to the extremes of transgenderism and pedophilia ect. Trickle down into how not just people but entire groups behave that leads to social, and political divides that challenge the culture sovereignty of a state?

2019-03-01 09:02:45 UTC  

The world is more than facts, logic and profit.

2019-03-01 09:05:05 UTC  
2019-03-01 09:07:50 UTC  

Fuck the State it's only role should be to provide police a military and courts not provide culture or fucking hand outs.

2019-03-01 09:12:05 UTC  

I never said the state provides culture, but clearly from what you believe in your anti-culture. Culture comes from people’s struggle toward a cause greater than themselves. In the west it was Greek Philosophy, Roman state craft, Germanic engineering, Faustian exploration, and birth of the biological sciences.

2019-03-01 09:13:13 UTC  

The state is the great facilitator that combines all facets and roles within a society to shape national interests in favour of all parties, not for the few or the many, but for all.

2019-03-01 09:14:07 UTC  

>inb4 only communists care about everyone’s needs.

2019-03-01 10:40:53 UTC  

@Deleted User Preach it

2019-03-01 10:42:17 UTC  

@Deleted User the state can't shape the national interests of shit in favor of all parties except where courts and law enforcement are concerned. The state cannot create wealth; it can only take and give

2019-03-01 12:18:14 UTC  

States should shape national interest. Stakeholders provide the raw material, like wealth, manpower, intelligence, ect. It is the role of the state to create a model and syndicate these interests together organically, in accordance with natural law, thus birthing an organic society. A society that trumps your libertarian fantasy. And I never made the claim that states create wealth.