Message from @TheNobody

Discord ID: 552845008022011923

2019-03-06 12:28:08 UTC  

@TheNobody his fault 2bh

2019-03-06 12:45:10 UTC  

Child support should only be for the first 10 years

2019-03-06 12:45:18 UTC  

Of the child’s life

2019-03-06 12:54:01 UTC  


2019-03-06 12:54:01 UTC  

GG @peachy, you just advanced to level 7!

2019-03-06 12:54:10 UTC  

People should preferably not abandon their children.

2019-03-06 12:54:19 UTC  

Mothers or fathers.

2019-03-06 12:55:03 UTC  

Child's support should not be a thing

2019-03-06 12:55:11 UTC  

Women should choose their partners wisely

2019-03-06 12:55:16 UTC  

If they want to start a family

2019-03-06 12:55:21 UTC  

You don’t think both parents should have to provide for their child?

2019-03-06 12:55:25 UTC  


2019-03-06 12:55:40 UTC  

It takes two people to make a baby

2019-03-06 12:55:44 UTC  

I think bad parenting should be punished by nature and courts without the need for child's support.

2019-03-06 12:56:39 UTC  

There are so many options that couples have abortion and et cetera. Perhaps parenting insurance for just incase one parent dies or decides to leave. Anyone planning to have a child should take that into their responsibility, not the states.

2019-03-06 12:58:22 UTC  

Right, which is why I think both the mother and the father should have to support their child.

2019-03-06 12:58:37 UTC  

They had a kid, intentional or not, and now they have to deal with it.

2019-03-06 12:58:56 UTC  

The woman may have been the one to carry it, but again, it takes two people to make a baby.

2019-03-06 13:08:33 UTC  

They should have to, but it shouldn't coercively, because there are many cases where the mother chooses to have the child against the best wishes of the father. So, that father should be stuck paying child's support? No. Without child's support men have more leverage to keep a woman in line and protect the longevity of the relationship.

2019-03-06 13:28:23 UTC  
2019-03-06 13:28:41 UTC  

MRA... feminist

2019-03-06 13:28:46 UTC  

<:GWczeWhat:399970544830775300> 🤦 <:kek:538084230408830987>

2019-03-06 14:26:03 UTC  


2019-03-06 14:26:28 UTC  

I’m a feminist by the dictionary definition, but I’m against 3rd wave feminism. :,,)

2019-03-06 14:27:51 UTC  

There wasn’t a equalitarian role so I chose men’s rights and feminism(which I’m assuming is female rights, since there wasn’t another one for that)

2019-03-06 14:37:06 UTC  

Sorry but capitalists aren’t feminists

2019-03-06 14:37:19 UTC  

You might as well go to socialism

2019-03-06 14:38:33 UTC  

Feminism has to do with gender. Capitalism is a system of government.

2019-03-06 14:38:39 UTC  


2019-03-06 14:39:26 UTC  


2019-03-06 14:39:30 UTC  


2019-03-06 14:39:34 UTC  


2019-03-06 14:39:40 UTC  


2019-03-06 14:39:52 UTC  

okay okay I’m calm 😂

2019-03-06 15:20:29 UTC  

If feminism is meant for equality then why is there no equal representation of both gender issues

2019-03-06 15:20:44 UTC  

You can’t be a feminist and MRA at the same time lmao

2019-03-06 15:24:29 UTC  

i live a MGTOW lifestyle but don't call myself MGTOW. mainly because i don't like to group myself and like to stay an individual. what are the average thoughts on MGTOW?

2019-03-06 15:25:50 UTC  

and i agree. it seems pretty useless to be the definition of a feminist considering you have accomplished everything you set out to do already. it's done

2019-03-06 15:31:34 UTC  

@peachy by the definition feminists would be agesnt ALL feminism 😂

2019-03-06 15:31:56 UTC  

and also he is right

2019-03-06 15:32:03 UTC  

feminists rly cant be capitalists