Message from @BeautyExorcist

Discord ID: 610600419181199559

2019-08-12 22:27:25 UTC  

-df spam

2019-08-12 22:27:25 UTC  

**SPAM**: [spam] spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam
*That is what [spam] is. Would be [better] [without] it.*
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2019-08-12 22:27:26 UTC  

-df spam

2019-08-12 22:27:27 UTC  

**SPAM**: [spam] spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam
*That is what [spam] is. Would be [better] [without] it.*
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2019-08-12 22:27:30 UTC  

Hilf mir

2019-08-12 22:27:34 UTC  

@Tool remember that time u admitted to the chat that u dont read and didnt understand philsophy lol

2019-08-12 22:27:35 UTC  

Allahu Akbar

2019-08-12 22:27:40 UTC  

-df allahu akbar

2019-08-12 22:27:41 UTC  

**allahu akbar**: Literally "God is great" in Arabic. Nice thought, however...

what is said by people [beheading] [hogtied] victims "in the name of God"

or what is said by someone in a [carbomb] seconds before he fires it off in a crowded marketplace.
*"Wait for that grandmother with her three cute [grandkids] gets a bit closer"


KA-BLAM!!! ... screams, [wailing], etc*
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2019-08-12 22:27:41 UTC  


2019-08-12 22:27:47 UTC  

-df allahu snackbar

2019-08-12 22:27:48 UTC  

**Allahu Snackbar**: When severe munchies start, it's time to hit the fridge/snack food aisle/Taco Bell with the [ferocity] of a terrorist trying to buy the affection of his/her [imaginary friend] in the sky. [Allahu snackbar] is the declaration of intention in such a scenario.
*"Dude, is the blunt done?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I'm 'bout to [9-11] your fridge. [ALLAHU SNACKBAR]!"

Although his friends agreed that it was their favorite moment of the road trip, Steven realized that yelling "ALLAHU SNACKBAR!" in the McDonald's [drive-thru] was not the smartest idea he'd ever had.*
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2019-08-12 22:27:50 UTC  

@Tool typical scot having a low iq

2019-08-12 22:27:52 UTC  

I love reading <:pepegun:591248210035605509>

2019-08-12 22:27:55 UTC  

-df reader

2019-08-12 22:27:56 UTC  


2019-08-12 22:27:56 UTC  

**Reader**: The person [who is] [reading] this [definition]
*[Hello] [reader]!*
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2019-08-12 22:27:59 UTC  

UD is fucking wild

2019-08-12 22:28:00 UTC  

-df book

2019-08-12 22:28:00 UTC  

**Book**: A Book is like .. a non-volatile, stable database that does not lose data no matter how many times you [drop it], spill your beer on it, or [close it] incorrectly. Books are more stable even than [Optical] Media. [Storage] is only limited by the amount of space and volume that the owner can physically carry. Some [storage] units seem to last for years, and whilst the background colour or 'fill' of the pages may degrade to a kind of #F5F5DC [beige], the actual data is still readily retrievable.

Books were used for storage before computers. The only reason computers were invented was due to the poor fire retardant properties of the base materials used in the manufacture of books (especially those books used to upset the tribal elders of religious groups) and because books were easy to steal data from. Books have also been used to store ideas for Movies That No-one Has Made Yet.
*Bill: 'What's that in your [backpack] next to your [lappie]?'
[Ted]: 'It's a book'
Bill: 'WoW, that's 2665 !'*
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2019-08-12 22:28:04 UTC  

The United States will never have peace until the south is its own country.

2019-08-12 22:28:04 UTC  

-df penis reader

2019-08-12 22:28:04 UTC  

**Reader**: The person [who is] [reading] this [definition]
*[Hello] [reader]!*
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2019-08-12 22:28:08 UTC  

-df penis

2019-08-12 22:28:08 UTC  

**penis**: Something to [look up] on [Urban Dictionary] when you have [nothing better to do]...
*[I'm bored] so I'm going to [look up] penis on [urban dictionary]*
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2019-08-12 22:28:09 UTC  

i wonder if people use UD unironically

2019-08-12 22:28:09 UTC  


2019-08-12 22:28:17 UTC  

-df penis cheese

2019-08-12 22:28:17 UTC  

**penis cheese**: The white substance found around [the head] of the penis when it hasnt been [washed] for [1-2] months
*[Chad] is [the definition] for penis cheese...*
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2019-08-12 22:28:22 UTC  

shut the fuck up the southerners lost that war

2019-08-12 22:28:29 UTC  

-df katze

2019-08-12 22:28:29 UTC  


2019-08-12 22:28:29 UTC  

**katze**: A [Dutch], it [means] [cat].
*[i like] katze, so [im] a katze. X-D*
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2019-08-12 22:28:30 UTC  

Here I was thinking that IQ was like 70% inherited and not a result of reading books <:laugh:583238348077006869>

2019-08-12 22:28:35 UTC  

-df war of northern aggression

2019-08-12 22:28:35 UTC  

**The War of Northern Aggression**: [Southern] term for the [American Civil War]. Mostly used by those who think [the south] should have won.
*Southern Colonel Sanders-type guy: My great [grandaddy] sadly lost his life at the battle of [Bull Run] during [the War of Northern Aggression].*
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2019-08-12 22:28:47 UTC  

-df national anthem

2019-08-12 22:28:47 UTC  

**National Anthem**: One of [Radiohead] Weird But Super Great song one of my [favorite] [radiohead] songs ever!
*have you [herd] radioheads [National anthem]?*
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2019-08-12 22:28:48 UTC  

@Tool dang dude so ur entire family is as dumb as you are?

2019-08-12 22:28:52 UTC  

-df bach

2019-08-12 22:28:52 UTC  

**Bach**: greatest [composer] that ever walked the earth... to think that people like nirvana and [greenday]... [tut tut].
*bouree; class! best piece to [play on] [ye] [guitar].*
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