
Discord ID: 243546313101148160

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i just got banned from a discord because i did le vegan argument: edge version

why are meat cucks so easy to trigger

im vegetarian not vegan

and not militant about it

but man its so easy to bully people that argue against it

easiest way to bait people and expose someones iq


you dont wanna do this big guy

im not gonna enable you because i dont want to get kicked this early

heres the easiest way to win the argument tho

is harm for pleasure ok? - no - why eat meat then - because uhhhh [shitty riposte] - ok dude why dont you just rape someone - UHM BECAUSE RAPE IS BAD BECAUSE UHHHHHHHH - gottem

idk man i make the argument intense by bringing in raping your mum because she cant tell me what a moral axiom is

im not ready to spam should i rape your mum for 30 mins

not taking the bait

i have 2 more beers

when i finish them i'll enable you

ok if rape was legal and you could be raped and also rape people would you be ok with rape

wait dont answer

i dont want to debate rn

can we talk about computers instead uwu

no i refuse

its also not complicated

even the internet meme debater destiny cant argue against it and he straight up refuses to do so now

and this is a guy who got famous from debating incest


DM me if you're desperate i guess

but i can already tell you're of low IQ

you wont acquiesce so whats the point

im going to win and ur gonna keep spamming UHM BUT WHAT ABOUT [stupid reason]

not in the mood to repeat myself

you will tho

i can already tell you're not intelligent enough for this convo

no offence


explain to me why christianity being a metaphysical mutation is pertinent when we talk about the current cultural zeitgeist

you have 1 min

39 seconds remaining

20 seconds

10 seconds

times up

sowwie but we cant debate uwu

u havent read any philosophy whatsoever

ive been playing MHW because i have a good pc now

feels good playing in 1440p

not gonna lie i wrote of gaming a long time ago but now im starting to get the appeal

i havnt read any thomas aquinas

should I?

can u give me the basic gestalt

i have so much reading to do already

@Snap Oversteer ok sowwie mr

yeah ok big guy

still not gonna debate you

you're clearly retarded

thats true enough

@Deleted User interesting

i'll add him to the list

been so busy lately tho

@Deleted User can you give me a snippet of his work in your own words? not trying to le trick you, im genuinely interested

imagine reading philosophy instead of commentary

for me? its Michel Houellebecq

yea i still cant pronounce it

and ive read all his stuff

i wish i was french bros


the q is a trick

the q is a SPOOK

ayo hol yp

apparently its "well beck"

i want everyone ITC to read atomised rn

easily one of my top 10 boks


warning to all my fellow christians out here : it contains graphic sex

very graphic

all his books do

goddamn french and their obsession with sex

we're talking about Michel Houellebecq

new book out next month

so hyped

its about the eu

im ready for more blatant racism

i love how Michel Houellebecq can straight up get away with calling blacks the n word

i wish i was so talented at writing i get the n word pass

all greeks were more or less

dis is sparda : DDDD heheh

200 wpm homie

@Deleted User why did it take you 10 mins to write a paragraph

@Deleted User can u dm me this stuff cuz i wanna look it up

that said

im not a wiki nerd so i'd have to read the book

but i appreciate the gist


the only annoying thing about philosophy is that philosophers tend to change the definition of words

like hegel


the basics are pretty cut and dry

we start from moral axioms

which leads us to morals

which leads us to ethics

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