Message from @Pelth

Discord ID: 624068618849615872

2019-09-19 02:23:16 UTC  

or execution

2019-09-19 02:23:21 UTC  

it's homicide you moron

2019-09-19 02:23:26 UTC  

it's 4 times higher than columbia

2019-09-19 02:23:41 UTC  

the coutnry in the world today with the highest homicide rate is el salvador

2019-09-19 02:23:45 UTC  

which has a homicide rate of 60

2019-09-19 02:24:03 UTC  

it's because you have tons of people all living like rats in urban conditions

2019-09-19 02:24:07 UTC  

no, it's rural

2019-09-19 02:24:16 UTC  

you spastic dumb monogoloid ignorant fuck the people in the towns were the rich people

2019-09-19 02:24:36 UTC  

in feudalism the wealthy lived in the towns and the poor lived on the manors

2019-09-19 02:24:47 UTC  

all n all, murders were pretty low back then and it was quite comfy

2019-09-19 02:24:56 UTC  

@LilNax33 what was ur main

2019-09-19 02:25:06 UTC  

they are the highest homicide rates ever

2019-09-19 02:25:07 UTC  

sometimes people die

2019-09-19 02:25:10 UTC  

how are they pretty low?

2019-09-19 02:25:12 UTC  

no they weren't

2019-09-19 02:25:17 UTC  

name higher homicide rates

2019-09-19 02:25:18 UTC  

You guys should probably take this to <#523835768813387796>

2019-09-19 02:25:29 UTC  

murder rates were huge during early societies

2019-09-19 02:25:37 UTC  

which early societies?

2019-09-19 02:25:38 UTC  

show data

2019-09-19 02:25:53 UTC  

I have some books

2019-09-19 02:25:57 UTC  

what do you mean by early societies?

2019-09-19 02:26:03 UTC  

you mean ancient civilisations of serfdom?

2019-09-19 02:26:11 UTC  

yea they sucked because it's serfdom and slavery

2019-09-19 02:26:11 UTC  


2019-09-19 02:27:16 UTC  

these english villages had like 10 times the homicide rate of chicago

2019-09-19 02:27:16 UTC  

serfdom wasn't really a thing until it was

2019-09-19 02:27:19 UTC  

you: "pretty low"

2019-09-19 02:27:31 UTC  

"a thing until it was"

2019-09-19 02:27:36 UTC  

the words of an uneducated blathering moron

2019-09-19 02:28:03 UTC  

medieval serfdom was a cultural manifestation

2019-09-19 02:28:25 UTC  

it didn't happen in the same way elsewhere

2019-09-19 02:28:54 UTC  

workers being bound to land goes way back before medieval times

2019-09-19 02:29:01 UTC  

and it was arguably even worse in africa and asia

2019-09-19 02:29:19 UTC  

people were pretty migratory in antiquity

2019-09-19 02:29:20 UTC  

the same sort of misery in the chinese bureaucratic field systems, and in sub continent, and in africa

2019-09-19 02:29:35 UTC  

more meaningless babble from you "people were pretty migratory"

2019-09-19 02:29:52 UTC  

do you understand you've been talking shit for how long now and you haven't made one point that has any truth to it?

2019-09-19 02:30:14 UTC  

i have to know why you care to defend serfdom

2019-09-19 02:30:31 UTC  

if you understood history and knew how to read you'd understand

2019-09-19 02:30:36 UTC  

is it that you're like some virgin manlet angry at the modern world and you buy into that meme of if you were a serf you'd get some serf pussy orsometing?