Message from @penis man
Discord ID: 327642865389928450
Whose idea was to open this shit like this?
Whoever replied with bullshit like that needs to look at themselves in the mirror. You are making us look like fucking jokes
@here Who created that thread?
@Ulstèr-Scotch Link.
Pepe said he didn't create it
what thread
Also if you want to start shitting on people go to gestapo.
I saw the link on insta
The retarded thread that was made
communist detected
#1, what the frig is a National Bolshevik?
#2 I thought we hated commies.
natbol is a fucking meme
I'm not a communist, my username is ironic
No, you are PLEADING with a commie that you are relevant. Who replied with that?
ACHTUALLY: *National bolshevikism is a legitimate political system no different from right wing authoritarianism*
Trying to regulate shilling on /pol/ is pointless regardless, thread will die in a moment anyways.
Buried under shariahblue racemixing propoganda.
we're not making peaceful cucktests are we
Self Degense group mate
Anticom is a discord of peace
We are completely peaceful
until we're pushed
mate a self-defense group isn't going to cut it against an offence group
you gotta go full blackshirts on their anus
It works
Sure thing FBI
wew nice meme lad
Kristelnacht 2 soon
not bad
Remember: This get's millions of views on youtube and is directly advertised to children and parents.
that's...kinda hot
uncomfortably so
@penis man Hey join public