Message from @Nator1ous

Discord ID: 632398237646454804

2019-10-12 02:03:46 UTC  

Wink wink nudge nudge

2019-10-12 02:03:47 UTC  


2019-10-12 02:03:49 UTC  


2019-10-12 02:03:49 UTC  

cuz ur scared

2019-10-12 02:03:56 UTC  


2019-10-12 02:03:57 UTC  


2019-10-12 02:04:04 UTC  

it’s ok

2019-10-12 02:04:06 UTC  

Are these from the Urban dictionary?

2019-10-12 02:04:06 UTC  

not of being rejected

2019-10-12 02:04:08 UTC  

but of them

2019-10-12 02:04:16 UTC  

why tho

2019-10-12 02:04:19 UTC  


2019-10-12 02:04:27 UTC  


2019-10-12 02:04:29 UTC  

-define Richard

2019-10-12 02:04:29 UTC  

**Richard**: [Heart of gold]. He is extremely kind and always [compassionate]. Puts others first before himself, but still manages to have a thoughtful opinion and holds true to his beliefs. The best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. Beautiful eyes, great body, FANTASTIC hair, [impeccably] dressed. Extremely intelligent. Knows so much about the world and the people around him. Could talk to him for hours about nothing. Very mature for his age. He knows what he wants and how to get it. Someone you will always want to have by your side-- your life will change once you meet him.
*[Im] [so in love] with Richard Erlandson.*
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2019-10-12 02:04:35 UTC  

-df straight

2019-10-12 02:04:35 UTC  

**Straight**: Being Straight is the quality or characteristic of being romantically, and sexually attracted to the opposite sex or gender. Straight men are attracted to women, and straight women are attracted to men. Being Straight is the most common sexual orientation in the world. People who are Straight are also referred to as "Heterosexual"

[Straightness] is the basis of civilization due to the fact that it leads to [procreation], and [reproduction] which is crucial to the survival of any species.
*We would not [exist] without our [straight] [parents].*
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2019-10-12 02:04:39 UTC  

Who the fuck is Richard

2019-10-12 02:04:45 UTC  

-df gay

2019-10-12 02:04:45 UTC  

**Gay**: (a) Able to [sit] nearer than [five] feet away from one’s bro in a [hot tub]
*“Two broooos, chillin’ in a [hot tub], [five feet apart], ‘cause they’re [not gay]”*
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2019-10-12 02:04:49 UTC  

ur mom

2019-10-12 02:04:50 UTC  

-df df

2019-10-12 02:04:50 UTC  

**df**: meaning : [da fuck]

df means almost the same thing as "wtf" but,it's more [flexible] and,you can use it in more than [one way].See example.
*Example #1

[Cisco]:"[D00d],that fucking car almost ran me over !"

Mike:"Yeah man,df kind of driving was that ?!"

Example # 2

Cisco:"Your mom was [blowin'] me real good last night ! XD"

Mike:"df dude !"*
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2019-10-12 02:04:53 UTC  

Stupid bitch

2019-10-12 02:04:57 UTC  

-df bitch

2019-10-12 02:04:58 UTC  

**bitch**: one of the most versatile words in the english language; it is used to express a multitude of emotions; anger, anticipation, [despair], [endearment], envy, excitement, fear, horror, joy, shock, surprise, warning; all achieved by one's enunciation and [intonation].
*Endearment: Hey bitch!
Joy: Oh my god, bitch!
Anticipation: Bitch, guess what?
Shock/Pain: [Stubs] toe Ah, bitch!
Envy: She's SUCH a BITCH.
Fear: Bitch. What was that noise?
Surprise: BITCH!
Warning: Bitch. [Don't try me].
Despair: [Biiiitch].*
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2019-10-12 02:05:04 UTC  

-df bach

2019-10-12 02:05:05 UTC  

**Bach**: greatest [composer] that ever walked the earth... to think that people like nirvana and [greenday]... [tut tut].
*bouree; class! best piece to [play on] [ye] [guitar].*
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2019-10-12 02:05:08 UTC  

**df**: meaning : [da fuck]

df means almost the same thing as "wtf" but,it's more [flexible] and,you can use it in more than [one way].See example.
*Example #1

[Cisco]:"[D00d],that fucking car almost ran me over !"

Mike:"Yeah man,df kind of driving was that ?!"

Example # 2

Cisco:"Your mom was [blowin'] me real good last night ! XD"

Mike:"df dude !"*
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2019-10-12 02:05:11 UTC  

have sex

2019-10-12 02:05:12 UTC  

-df fanfcition

2019-10-12 02:05:12 UTC  

No result :(

2019-10-12 02:05:14 UTC  

-df urban dictionary

2019-10-12 02:05:15 UTC  

**Urban Dictionary**: A [site] where it's a [challenge] to find one [subject] where no one talks about sex.
*Me: *Looks up 'Cookie'*
Definition: "A woman's pussy."
Me: Uh, okay. *Looks up 'Kelly Clarkson'
Definition: "A fine young [piece of ass] that I'd do some naughty things to if I met."
Me: *Looks up 'Herbal Essences'
Definition: "The act of ripping a [girl's ass] and pouring [shampoo] down the middle."
Me: Of course, Urban Dictionary. Of course.*
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2019-10-12 02:05:23 UTC  

-define fanfiction

2019-10-12 02:05:23 UTC  

**fanfiction**: I noticed most of the other definitions here completely trash [fanfiction].

First, definition: [Fanfiction] is when someone takes either the story or characters (or both) of a certain [piece of work], whether it be a novel, tv show, movie, etc, and create their own story based on it. Sometimes people will take characters from one movie and put them in another, which is called a [cross-over].

Most people who [bash] fanfiction are not willing to look past the fact that it's based on something else to see that it could be worth reading IF you like the subject. If they don't like the subject, then obviously they are going to automatically dismiss the fanfiction.

It is true, however, that some fanfictions are rather poorly written and only a few hundred words, and it is also [true that] some people just write them so they can have their favorite characters have sex ([lemon]). But, if you take the time to find something decent, you can end up with a fanfiction story that is so close to the original piece of art, that you'd barely notice the difference.
*Mary decided to write a fanfiction based on a story she had read. She liked the idea of two of the characters as a couple, but it wasn't in the original [plot], so she twisted the story around a bit and evolved the characters so that it seemed as though they actually *could* have been together in the first place. (Good example, it's rare that someone does it perfectly but there are some out there)

Sue was so angry that her two favorite characters never got together that she wrote her own story in which [the first thing] they did was have sex and get married. ([Bad example], but sadly sometimes true)*
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2019-10-12 02:05:24 UTC  

-df cookie

2019-10-12 02:05:24 UTC  

**cookie**: [Food of the gods]
*And so to appease [the gods], we [offered] them a cookie. It seemed to [work].*
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2019-10-12 02:05:30 UTC  

-df kelly clarkson

2019-10-12 02:05:30 UTC  

**Kelly Clarkson**: Winner of season one of [American Idol], capturing the hearts of America. Very bubbly, very [dorky] but loveable personality. Powerful singing voice with performance [charisma] you don't see around in many pop stars.
*Kelly Clarkson deserved to [win] [American Idol].*
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2019-10-12 02:05:37 UTC  

-df marco