Message from @Posporo
Discord ID: 265987240377712640
@Hft #ExceptTrainedaNiggerWhoKilledHim...
there's that
haha 😄
but its sad actually
On a lighter note: hillary #SniperFire Klingon
oh my bad...Clinton!
sorry wron image
we wuz da real communists!
are they really trying to claim lenin of all people
wouldn't surprise me
the thing they will never try to claim though is slavery
cant we just
make things easier on the world
and just
end anyone with more than 50% sub-saharan african dna
id go with 25%
kill Sargon of Akkad too
and probably his wife's son.
what about proven okay-tier african folk
sure that's 0.5 of the total african population
but they still exist
From a Scientific Mind: Thin out the gene-pool until only desired traits are left, and those desired traits will become a new 'normal' for that group you're altering.
is why we get rid of most africans
so that the few million of them that are elft are the creme de la creme
do we really want africans being the creme de la creme? Frankly I'd be happy if they just stayed in Africa free from Whitey McPrivilage's interference with things like electricity, computers, the internet, and civilization in general
i said we kill the africans and leave the ones that are the creme de la creme
the best of the africans