Message from @HULK
Discord ID: 265174624713572353
😲 is that real? Did she really do a topless Roman salute for Trump to grab his balls? Where is the Atlantic? Did they cover this? Is she a Nazi for doing the Roman salute in the nude to Donald Trump to grab his balls?
I ❤ the Orthodox. they are the only christians with any sack anymore
I name this picture ''Real nigga hours''
extra crispy
don't forget the #GrandChef 😃
#GrandChef makes everything better
it's true! great OC by @BlackSalami
here's the transparent PNG for you memeing needs
much obliged
Le Chef de Cousine
The original white nationalist up there
@HULK #PalpatineDidNothingWrong
pol psyops 😃
seriously what are your ideas as to what they are saying on this meme? 😄 😄
@Hft #ExceptTrainedaNiggerWhoKilledHim...
there's that
haha 😄
but its sad actually
On a lighter note: hillary #SniperFire Klingon
oh my bad...Clinton!
sorry wron image