Message from @Mother
Discord ID: 273554843266711552
lol yeah
he'd probably be a niggers bitch
They would be forced to join a racial group or be Tyrone's bitch
But in Spain, you're seeing shit like this.
Antifa attacking young girls for displaying the Spanish flag.
So you're seeing The Nationalists vs The Communists once again in Spain
One of the people who were arrested was a Leftist politician and he allegedly used his influence to get them all released
and lefits are calling this woman they attacked 'Human Garbage'
So Spain will probably be facing a civil war again at some point, because there is /no/ civility in any of this.
@Bloodborn ANTIFA: For the regressive anti-PEGIDA that has almost everything (or so they claim).
When he's shouting directly into that guy's ear it's open provocation for a punch
shouting directly into his ear and chest-butting him
He looks meak in comparison to Shia.
yeah i know
I'm just saying
if I were him
i would be tempted to retaliate
You'd probably be justified to self-defense against Shia
Who many have long wanted to clock in his greasy mug
*that feel when you blackpill youself writing about the upcoming war
feels bad man
i feel good about any upcoming war
i think we need as much chaos as possible these days so that more people wake the hell up from their delusion that this path is sustainable
Europeans Thrive on war and conflict.
People should be lynched for NOT having a flag, not vice versa.
If white countries don't wake up, I'm honestly going to consider converting to Islam and moving to Iran
for fuck sake
enough with this individualist bullshit
That looks about right.
its much easier to get behind just the 14 words
@Bloodborn nope
That just means reverting back to the 50's
Which is why we're in this mess atm
Whites only liberalism is still degenerate
There should be a clear distinction between 88 = national socialist policies and 88 = pro Hitler