Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 641414328494587915

2019-11-05 23:10:37 UTC  

-df jonathan

2019-11-05 23:10:37 UTC  

**Jonathan**: The sweetest guy in the world. Jonathan always makes you feel better when you're down, [it's in] his nature to help. He loves passionately and unconditionally. He is [a true friend] above all else but if you are lucky enough to be his lover, he will treat you like a Queen. Jonathan is an old soul with wisdom beyond his years. When you look into his eyes, you can see his heart, his [compassion] and his pain. NEVER take him for granted. He is the one who will always be there for you.
*[I love] Jonathan [with all my heart].. How could I not?*
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2019-11-05 23:10:46 UTC  

-df Evan

2019-11-05 23:10:47 UTC  

**Evan**: One who is smart, intelligent, funny, amazing, and incredibly cute. The guy all guys want to be, and all girls want. He's honest, [truthful], loyal, and just generally a good human being. If you have an Evan in you're life, don't let him go. He's the best person who will ever come into your life and will definitely [make in] [impact] for the better.
*"wow, who is [that dude]?"
"I think his name is [evan]."
"He's the most amazing guy I've ever seen [in my life]. Can I be him? Like Jesus, look at that face."*
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2019-11-05 23:10:47 UTC  

-df frotting

2019-11-05 23:10:47 UTC  

**frotting**: Rubbing/holding/masturbating two penises together for sexual pleasure. Usually, both men stand or lie down facing each other so that the undersides of both penises touch along their entire length, allowing one person to masturbate both penises simultaneously.

The warmth of the other penis and the added stimulation from contact along the entire length of the shaft can create increased sensation compared to ordinary [mutual masturbation] (hand only). A finger inserted between the heads of the two penises will be lubricated by the combined [pre-cum] and may cause additional stimulation.

Also may be performed by holding together two penises which face opposite directions ([side-by-side] or one on top of the other), or by lying down in opposite directions .
*"I don't like anal because when you pull out it gives you [shitdick]. I prefer frotting."

"My bro Jake and I give each other HJs sometimes when we're [blue balling], but I tried frotting with him last night and [came buckets]!"*
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2019-11-05 23:10:51 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:10:52 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:10:58 UTC  

I dont see pure in there angie wybd?

2019-11-05 23:10:58 UTC  

no frotting in this christian server

2019-11-05 23:11:08 UTC  

Wait frotting

2019-11-05 23:11:12 UTC  

-df the barb

2019-11-05 23:11:12 UTC  

**The Barb**: When you [ram] any large object (other then a dildo) into a girl's anus and vagina while [dragging] them into a [swimming pool] (or tree), then throw them into a library.
*I did The Barb last night, but [I forgot] to [take out] that [stick up her ass]*
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2019-11-05 23:11:13 UTC  

Something I know about

2019-11-05 23:11:16 UTC  

Man to man

2019-11-05 23:11:19 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:11:20 UTC  

Heart to heart

2019-11-05 23:11:20 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:11:23 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:11:24 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:11:32 UTC  

cosby frotts other guys

2019-11-05 23:11:36 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:11:39 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:11:45 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:11:47 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:11:58 UTC  

i dont see how that would feel good

2019-11-05 23:11:59 UTC  

-8ball is @XzxWolfiexzX pure

2019-11-05 23:12:00 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:12:03 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:12:04 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:12:23 UTC  

I paid the churches to be cleansed

2019-11-05 23:12:23 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:12:27 UTC  


2019-11-05 23:12:28 UTC  

yikes churches

2019-11-05 23:12:33 UTC  

sunday school was hell

2019-11-05 23:12:38 UTC  

glad i do not go anymore

2019-11-05 23:12:39 UTC  

-df churches

2019-11-05 23:12:39 UTC  

**church.**: [one word] expression to show approval of a situation.

word must be used by itself though, similar to "good", "cool.", "perfect", "awesome." and "sweet." and can not be used in the middle of a sentence

signals the end of the conversation. once the word is used [properly], the conversation will almost always end/change topics. if it does not, then [chances] are you are not using the word properly.
*Wrong way:

Person A: Did you see the game last night?!
Person B: Yea! Lebron was so church man.
Person A: What did you just say?

Correct way:
(someone knocks on your hotel room door at 4:02 am and wakes you from a [drunken coma]. looking through your [peephole], you see a man, similar in appearance to a Beatles cover artist straight out of 1967, who is more intoxicated and [roughed up] than you have ever been. You open the door to find him holding a $5 bill looking at you)

Hotel occupant: Uhh, whats up man?

Intoxicated Man: Do you have a lighter? Ill give you $5.

Hotel Occupant: (reaches for $0.50 bic) Deal.

([Drunken man] shakes it and listens for fluid, then lights it.)

Intoxicated Man: "Church."

(To his satisfaction, he gives a drunken thumbs up as he begins to walk away.)

end of conversation. never saw the man again.*
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2019-11-05 23:12:45 UTC  

angie is impure because she is a atheist communist

2019-11-05 23:12:51 UTC  

im not communist

2019-11-05 23:12:57 UTC  

or atheist