Message from @HeimatFreiheitTradition
Discord ID: 257919217037344771
ok, as long as we can maintain our balance of Americans and Europeans I think we'll have a broad perspective
so i think that time is good for everyone
i just set the doodle dates
ill write an update on gab in a sec
ok sounds good to me
do you want to try to do a small hangout tonight by chance?
sure, I'm up for it
ok i'm available all day, school is out now so I'm pretty free everyday at whatever time we need to use for a hangout
i think today we should go over our schedule for Wed
and make an outline like @Bloodborn proposed
ok sounds good to me. it seems from what I have seen that a lot of people want to talk about ethnonationalism and the roadblocks it might face. would you agree with that assertion?
yep, clear winner so far
just posted ( an update on gab, please repost 😃
ah shit, forgot the days
good thing gab has editing
fixed now
i was wondering though, what is "alt-development"?
I think of it like, alt-media or alt-technology. just something I sometimes use to talk about where the alt-right and alternative media are going.
reposted your invitation to the hangout
i hope we get a lot of people
so alt-development is our little parallel society 😃
i'm curious, do i have moderator rights on this channel?
green means mod
yea that's kind of what i thinik
oh ok. so yea i will invite some people I follow on gab who I think will be interested.
oh and i just posted a #GabInterview with Melissa Meszaros. It's really good, but kind of short. She didn't want to answer several of the questions, but that's cool. I've been talking to her for a few days and she's really an awesome person
cool, I'll check it out right away
Alright cool, when are we having the hangout tonight?
yea I think you'll like her
@Jossi btw, you might get more hits on your site if you add the http:// in the link in your gab profile
oh ok. i didn't know that. thanks dude
@Slav we can start now
otherwise it's not clickable
yea i'm good with starating now
just that
alright, just a sec