Message from @azda
Discord ID: 257948054206808065
haha okay, i understand that
alright, I think I'm set
voice gone again 😦
I just came up with an idea sitting here.
What do you think about 'DNA manipulation'?
as in, GMOs?
What China is doing.
btw if anyone wants to join in the discussion, you do that by clicking the General under VOICE CHANNELS
hey man
hi there
if you wanna chat, we're in the voice channel
can't atm mic doesn't work
This looks almost the same as Slack: but with voice chat
sure, no prob
mic isnt working for some reason
Haha goy how are you supposed to speak the truth now
No Heimat don't do that to Pepe. WTF are you thinking? You must be a Russian hacker
too late, @Jossi
Is everyone in this discussion an anti-Semite?
Rhetorical question. No need to answer. It's obvious the majority (not all!) are anti.
no but i say anti semite things jokingly
and frequently
okay. no problem.
I'm not anti anything. I'm just pro-white.
If Jews pursue Jewish interests, god bless them - it's their right.
I just want the same for whites.
Heh, guess that triggered her off the hangout