Message from @TexasVet
Discord ID: 258229615129001984
lucky you 😃
I usually avoid voice chats. My thick Texas accent makes people think that I am uneducated. It's not true of course, but the accent has a stigma attached to it.
Well interestingly, out of the 5 Americans I know on here, 3 are Texans and 1 is Oklahoman
so you should be alright
If you know any white Brazilians, send them my way. I am making a propaganda army to secede from the union and form an ethnostate.
I was almost a white Barazilian. Had a job offer from the oil company down there. Petrobras I think they were called.
Fucking Portuguese. They did not send women and the women they sent went to convents. Now we have 200 million pardos.
It's 8:20 in New Jersey
I don't know what a pardo is.
Pardo is a mulato a little whiter but not white
Oh ok
@Bowling King Who is this kid? He has my vote
haha, this place is really taking off
looking forward to our "official" hangout tomorrow 😃
is this the meme times
If anyone is still actively investigating pizzagate and all other connections to it, feel free to join the pizzagate discord server.
can u link
sorry for sliding that's all i'll post in the general relating to pizzagate now. have a nice day/evening all, and stay safe please.
Just don't post any illegal shit in here please
yeah, this was at the very least borderline
sorry, @VURMYN this is not the place for that
covered almost all of that 2 weeks ago on gab
always good to have a refresher tho
Tamera Luzzatto (mum of luzzatto children mentioned in podesta emails: ruby, emerson and maeve) friends with marc fisher, senior editor for washing post
what was the last article he published i hear you ask... well...
um guys
hes back to redpill