Message from @MrGoat
Discord ID: 258690257023795201
Pigs for Pedos Foundation?
Feed pedos to pigs
any Germans in here?
maybe I should give the hangout another shoutout in German
@diversity_is_racism I feel bad for the pigs though
they shouldn't have to eat pedo scum
lol true
Send them out to space with a catapult maybe? PEDO CHUCKIN'
Poor pigs
Deserve better food
But pedos are fatty and might be tasty if BBQd
Win10 = 50% gay, 50% improved
ich bin kein deutsch aber ich habe deutsch studieren lol
I can't german.
Well I could.
ich interessiere mich fur was passiert in deutschland
i said im not german but ive studied the language and whats happening there is interesting to me
i was about to google translate
hast du das mit dem UBahn-Treter mitbekommen?
mit was? lol
heute haben die behauptet, die Polizei sei direkt mit dem Videomaterial an die Öffentlichkeit gegangen
the mud who kicked the German girl in the subway station
ich habe die photos gesehen
that clown should be kicked down the stairs.
das war muslims?
schau sie dir doch an
wenn nicht Muslime dann Araber oder Türken, etc.
alles dasselbe
wir horen hier viel uber den vergewaltiger muslime
mindestens in den alt media
Discord needs an in app translator damnit.
immerhin das
ah just talking about the subway stairs guy
he asked if hes muslim