Message from @Vlozin
Discord ID: 403769021813751809
@Swedish Chef can't find, are you shadow banned?
its got 2 under scores 1 in front and behind..
I had to do a screen shot of mine cause I do too
Let's commit memeatic jihad together bois
those underscores are tricky
@Blonde_Finn GOOD SHIT
if they call you a Russian bot, that means you're making an impact
lawl; jus thinking the same thing
I'd hit it
That’s my gammy
Fine Swedish genetics
How's the twitter interactions
I hit 2k on my latest tweet
also @WhereIsAssange lmao
After I tweeted my “Save the seat for Seth” January 30th meme. I got shadowbanned 5 min after.. coincidence. There scared.. it’s okay I am in disguise over here now
@RUSTIMCCOLLUM Sorry in 2009 when I started Tweeter I did that the caps ..(computer stupid mom ) my name will come up I'm So right lol
Yeah i got my lurker box...
@Deplorable just followed you but I am cast in a dark shadow.. kek
Hoping to get the attention of all this lawyers and twitter accounts I mentioned..
So i can't find you You didn't come up in my notifications.. My twitter page is brutal, consider it fair warning. I have zero filter
And they are scared to death would LOVE to see LDR about now
My lurker box @rustimccollum1
I'm following ALL of you now If i miss ya let me know!!