Message from @Blonde_Finn
Discord ID: 404294791812087808
Yeah they were banning them as fast as I was making them. Maybe get a tweet or two before I would have to do “captcha” then locked out..
@cub shadowbans are on timers.. tried to appeal..
well i had literally just opened that one u there and tabbed away to confirm email, and tabbed back - boom, locked.
tweeting while white?
profilin', no stylin'
I was thinking they were just kind auto banning accounts that wouldn’t provide a phone number or used any picture from web in creation of there page..
i didn't give a phone, but that is true for my other accts, hmm. my avatar was original "art"
Blown holes in theory kek
maybe the AI is just *that* dynamic
I think it’s all keywords and people flagging us..
flagging big time, yeah-- probably just sitting there in some bangalore click farm like on silicon valley, heh
Try using replyint to @POTUS or @RealDonaldJTrump I am using that andI am gettig new follows and new tweets and I still come up in a Google search hope that helps some
Yeah me too.
@cub @Deplorable let me know when your shadowbans gets lifted..
i off it now.
What do you need me to doi today? I have a MRI at 10 but I can fight now and after. i'm good to go!
Just curious to see how long.. looks like 24 hour bans possibly y
Make a Google voice number
Thanks @Deleted User
@Deleted User so it amounts to connecting your google i.d. to twitter? 'i guess using a throwaway email to sign up for google is nec. (?)
Wow wondering if a class action law suit against Twitter is no the horizon
this is crazy
hey @Swedish Chef @Blonde_Finn @Vlozin @Deleted User @brengale @Deplorable (wanted to be just shy of atting errybody)-- i am trying to get verified
UPDATE: ALSO PINNED THE TWEET--if you want to do this, not a bad idea
As soon as I get out of this park I will see wha it can do
all you have to do is favorite this tweet and copy my template as seen in the tweet exactly or watch this
Really ..,
i figure we can get eachother verified over time and eff this russian bot shit up
Not such a bad idea
it will not be overnight, but it worked for ethan from h3h3 (but not for hila)
woohoo, thanks @Swedish Chef !
@cub As far as I understand, to be verified you have to use your real name
aha! well no sale, twitter. back to the drawing board i guess
I could be wrong but that's how I understand it
unrelatedly, rem. when google was demanding real names? i waited them out, and eventially they accepted 1st name 'cub' last name 'icle' -- then recently i edited it down to just 'cub' Quora, otoh, is busting my metaphorical balls
anytime I need to add an address, I always put 123 Sesame Street lol