Message from @Vlozin
Discord ID: 403961489037459467
Great, shoot me a PM when please, there's lots of traffic 😄
Tonight we crack twitter and try to break it 😉
@everyone start working on (Seth Rich/ State of the Union/ FISA/ Wiretapping/ False flag nyc) Tonight we try to break twitter!! Official time to be announced.. (chans/reddit cbts /the_don) <<< working together 👀 🚂🤝
>Working together
Love it
Until I get home from work and can reorganize there is a new channel at the bottom of the server..
Sometimes you gotta five him that uppercut. Nolan ryan no fucks given!
This discord for the meme war?
I am here to serve once more in the Meme War.
using pictures from Paradox/Creative assembly games to describe political events
I’ll be meme making today. Will take requests
1k hour eu4 veteran
Welcome everyone
Are you the infamous hacker known as 4chang?
Tehehehehe only on Friday’s..
Nah but what time tonight are we doing this
Some asshat called a bomb threat in my building. So we got work off
Prolly 1900est 7pm everyone will be home with a brew in hand..
Aight I’ll start prepping some spicy. Memes
what is our plan?
What type should I be making?
@Deleted User scroll to the bottom of the server(sorry will be organized when I get home from work)
@Swedish Chef Do we have a dropbox I can dl this deliciousness from?
That’d be handy
I would love to be able to script me a way to post all this right from a dropbox or somesuch
Yeah that can be done.. we were going to have one when the Q Wikipedia got up.. i did have the mega link but it got lost..
bottom of the server? I feel retard, sry