Message from @Pinochet's Helicopter Rides
Discord ID: 408148310885662721
We need a meme with McCabe and Trump side-by-side; "Stable Genius" Unstable Traitor"
any other youtubers in this server?
i'm surfing youtube
I'd like to find other channels who I can possibly collaborate with
ahh yeah, i'm not a creator. srry
@Swedish Chef where do you want me to drop #readthememo magic?
With MEMO release.
Narrative change will be deepstate priority number 1.
Possible major FF at super bowl and mall of America.
Q warned of such
@Pinochet's Helicopter Rides get Trumpster on here
This is American Revolution 2.0 — meme that shit.
Have to chnage this around somehow
Hey does anyone have any tinder roastie pictures
I need it to make a meme
Stuff like this
And this
Thank you
Thot patrol