Message from @Swedish Chef
Discord ID: 403232485997019137
Welcome to the Meme Warfare arsenal. We are here to provide a means for all of us to mass gather and collect/share our greatest memes for the upcoming Meme War on Wednesday, January 17th 2018. We recommend everyone go and read Q's crumbs that were dropped on 1/14/18. It will help explain what this particular endeavor relates to. We are here as fellow Patriotic Anons - united in our efforts to support the POTUS!! Get ready to launch any and all of these collected memes out to all your social media connections on Wednesday, 1/17/18. We want to wake up the normies...with the TRUTH.
Think of this as a file cabinet of memes that will self destruct the 18th 😉 @everyone
You outdid yourself, Chef. THAT WAS AWESOME. LMAO
I am not the creator.. just met the creator. He is a cool as dude.
@everyone Begin Phase 1 👌 release the <<<(nominee memes)>>> into the wild. Its time the "PEOPLE" see who the ⭐ stars ⭐ of the show are!!! 🤔 Let's do this !!!! Tonight will become the catalyst for the great !MeMe WaR!.... get your 🍿 ready shits going down!
@everyone great work everyone! We are gaining traction! As the day progresses we will escalate the meme war!! (The channels are in phases (give us some direction). Phase 2 will begin at 6:00am (morning) and Phase 3 at lunch!! We go live at 5.. (awards) Keep up the hard work it’s fun seeing other meme pop up in my feed 😉
@everyone it’s time for phase 3!! Bring some of the heavy hitters. Let’s focus on Las Vegas and Human trafficking. Still use the meme in Phase 1 and 2. Remember to meme responsibility. (#thegreatawakening) has been shadowbanned. Twitter is manually putting in trending topics.. Let’s make them sweat!! (Phase 4 will be live meme with the awards) Happy Hunting
(Let me people stay is trending with 1,000 tweets per hour and greatawakening has double but isn’t trending)
@everyone guys holy shit look!! Although we aren’t trending they are sweating fucking bullets at twitter 11k tweets per hour!! Keep it up guys!!
@everyone goys #FakeNewsAwards trending 16 on twitter! You guys are awesome keep it up!!! They push back we push back harder..
Over 5k per hour!!
We are in the 14th spot! Let’s get top 10..
They took us down again.. bitches
Like #whatgodzillasthinking
Did everyone have as much fun as I ? This weekend we are going to have some more fun who’s down..
@here everyone that’s on.. #releasethememo.. let’s put some more pressure on
@everyone if you not already doing it #releasethememo #thestorm take them..
@everyone put your twatter names in the twatter names channel for more power..
What does everyone think about ((save a set for Seth)))
Right after I posted about Seth Rich and the State of the Union I got shadowbanned again.. its on bitches 😉