Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 402230099635732501
Welcome to the Meme Warfare arsenal. We are here to provide a means for all of us to mass gather and collect/share our greatest memes for the upcoming Meme War on Wednesday, January 17th 2018. We recommend everyone go and read Q's crumbs that were dropped on 1/14/18. It will help explain what this particular endeavor relates to. We are here as fellow Patriotic Anons - united in our efforts to support the POTUS!! Get ready to launch any and all of these collected memes out to all your social media connections on Wednesday, 1/17/18. We want to wake up the normies...with the TRUTH.
Think of this as a file cabinet of memes that will self destruct the 18th 😉 @everyone
You outdid yourself, Chef. THAT WAS AWESOME. LMAO
I am not the creator.. just met the creator. He is a cool as dude.
@everyone Begin Phase 1 👌 release the <<<(nominee memes)>>> into the wild. Its time the "PEOPLE" see who the ⭐ stars ⭐ of the show are!!! 🤔 Let's do this !!!! Tonight will become the catalyst for the great !MeMe WaR!.... get your 🍿 ready shits going down!
@everyone great work everyone! We are gaining traction! As the day progresses we will escalate the meme war!! (The channels are in phases (give us some direction). Phase 2 will begin at 6:00am (morning) and Phase 3 at lunch!! We go live at 5.. (awards) Keep up the hard work it’s fun seeing other meme pop up in my feed 😉
@everyone it’s time for phase 3!! Bring some of the heavy hitters. Let’s focus on Las Vegas and Human trafficking. Still use the meme in Phase 1 and 2. Remember to meme responsibility. (#thegreatawakening) has been shadowbanned. Twitter is manually putting in trending topics.. Let’s make them sweat!! (Phase 4 will be live meme with the awards) Happy Hunting
(Let me people stay is trending with 1,000 tweets per hour and greatawakening has double but isn’t trending)
@everyone guys holy shit look!! Although we aren’t trending they are sweating fucking bullets at twitter 11k tweets per hour!! Keep it up guys!!
@everyone goys #FakeNewsAwards trending 16 on twitter! You guys are awesome keep it up!!! They push back we push back harder..