Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 408055723730141194
@NateSnowstorm give me activist bitches role
@NateSnowstorm GiVE Me AcTiViSt bItCheS RoLe
Am I correctly assuming we're only pushing hijacked tags now?
You must join a voice channel before I can play anything.
You must join a voice channel before I can play anything.
God bless you wonderful faggots
You must join a voice channel before I can play anything.
anyone get this?
for Qresearch
might want to fix this folks 😀 <:GWchadThink:366999782348292108>
#SOTUBLACKOUT is the top suggested/trending tag on my Twitter when posting a tag. Hijack that bad boy.
eta / link to the SOTU ?
Was told this is a good group to learn the ropes of employing propaganda and other similar things
ah just 1 more hour to go
anyone with decent recording environment want to record a few lines for my next vid?
thanks, @Pinochet's Helicopter Rides wanna do some lines?
He probably busy ATM I'll make sure he gets to you
no rush
@Pinochet's Helicopter Rides hey faggot be useful for once in ur life
Ayyy mah nibbas
hey @J U S T
it's starting
I'm watching the infowars live stream of the SOTU
so many old white dudes there