Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 408049296114581514
Don't come to the senate tomorrow
DoN'T cOmE tO tHe sEnAtE ToMoRRoW
are all the major networks livestreaming sotu?
Most likely, yes
should be on the WhiteHouse YT channel as well
gotta get my stream lined up in case it lives up to the expectations
ah good idea they'll probably have it as well
nvm, they have another link for SOTU
starts in 21m
@NateSnowstorm give me activist bitches role
@NateSnowstorm GiVE Me AcTiViSt bItCheS RoLe
Am I correctly assuming we're only pushing hijacked tags now?
You must join a voice channel before I can play anything.
You must join a voice channel before I can play anything.
God bless you wonderful faggots
You must join a voice channel before I can play anything.
anyone get this?
for Qresearch
might want to fix this folks 😀 <:GWchadThink:366999782348292108>
thanks ape
#SOTUBLACKOUT is the top suggested/trending tag on my Twitter when posting a tag. Hijack that bad boy.
eta / link to the SOTU ?
Was told this is a good group to learn the ropes of employing propaganda and other similar things
ah just 1 more hour to go
anyone with decent recording environment want to record a few lines for my next vid?