Message from @Thibi

Discord ID: 408099752417165322

2018-01-31 03:08:30 UTC  

They're living in a different world than reality for certain

2018-01-31 03:08:41 UTC  

yeah it's a weak and fragile reality. they pretty much have cognitive dissoance

2018-01-31 03:08:42 UTC

2018-01-31 03:08:51 UTC  

Either that or payed/leaned on enough to make it appear as such

2018-01-31 03:09:04 UTC  

do you have any advice on how to get into more of my government? @Thibi

2018-01-31 03:09:13 UTC  

i'm in georgia so it's a red state, but atlanta has become more democratic the past few years

2018-01-31 03:09:25 UTC  

and I'm about to turn 18 over the summer, so i'll register as a republican for the midterms and what not

2018-01-31 03:20:04 UTC  

So, how did the speech go?

2018-01-31 03:20:06 UTC  

@Deleted User I'd recommend starting off reading your state laws (, read and get to know the Consitution *(* and read it according to the *intent* of what's written.

Sean Hannity ( has an awesome radio show that presents FAR more than what's presented on TV. He's truly a reporter in which the truth is above the rumors

2018-01-31 03:20:11 UTC  

Still ongoing 😃

2018-01-31 03:20:21 UTC  

Oh shit

2018-01-31 03:20:26 UTC  

I'm at work

2018-01-31 03:20:36 UTC  

Can't tell what's happening

2018-01-31 03:20:40 UTC  

awesome! thanks @Thibi appreciate it a lot

2018-01-31 03:20:47 UTC  

How's is it going? Are the dems in shambles?

2018-01-31 03:20:50 UTC  

If I end up going to Georgia Tech it's going to be gross because of liberal Atlanta

2018-01-31 03:21:12 UTC  

the dems literally just sat there when President Trump announced Black and Hispanic unemployment at an all time low @CITY_F0X

2018-01-31 03:21:16 UTC  


2018-01-31 03:22:11 UTC  

@Deleted User There's a *lot* more than that, but I'd recommend checking out Prager University's YouTube channel for some *awesome* balance to what you'll be facing 😃

2018-01-31 03:22:43 UTC  

I'm admittedly lacking in where to go myself due to viewing the union as a failed situation until the meming started 😃

2018-01-31 03:23:14 UTC  

These past two years have seen me growing in knowledge of where to go far moreso than the other 29 years of my life

2018-01-31 03:25:26 UTC  

@CITY_F0X The dems are showing in their own small manner that they're not standing in utter unity, but rather showing their approval in small amounts on key topics

2018-01-31 03:30:05 UTC

2018-01-31 03:32:42 UTC  

The fact that he thanked the Democrats for attending before leaving states a LOT for his character and to what he's facing

2018-01-31 03:35:32 UTC

2018-01-31 03:36:08 UTC  


2018-01-31 03:36:09 UTC  

Just stating the unjaded truth

2018-01-31 03:36:20 UTC  


2018-01-31 03:36:26 UTC  

2018-01-31 04:02:30 UTC  

@here new #sotu memes in <#403924202609967116>

2018-01-31 04:02:52 UTC  

I have lived through 6 presidents and have never heard a more inspiring SOTU

2018-01-31 04:03:12 UTC  

Best sotu in over 30 years

2018-01-31 04:03:12 UTC

2018-01-31 04:03:18 UTC  

thats powerful

2018-01-31 04:03:35 UTC  

very lefie proof

2018-01-31 04:04:31 UTC  

I like that. Great job.

2018-01-31 04:04:36 UTC  

not mine

2018-01-31 04:04:41 UTC  

hot from the board

2018-01-31 04:04:51 UTC  

I pull directly from 8ch

2018-01-31 04:05:24 UTC  

Not to be a concern troll folk 😀