Message from @Enoch
Discord ID: 442357367380770837
On the current bread, the Anons found Stormy doing anal. I won't bring it over here. Stormy is a liar.
This is a screenshot of what @Isi/Qteam18 found above ☝🏼 . It's pretty important. Fox News is talking about this subject matter today. Grandma has her finger on the pulse with this excellent find.
Whoa ^^^^
@Deleted User You Are genius!
Well, we HAD to add some Pepe reviews, right?
Wouldn’t be right without it.
I thought as put OUR spin on it...the Qmmunity!!!
@Bro will you drop ^^^^ our Corsi book cover over on the Qresearch board for the boys? Please? LOL
The reviews are for the boys. LOL
Love ❤️ our boys.
Then drop the link where you drop it, I wanna go read what they say....we all need a laugh doing this stuff!!!! 😃
I'm not a memember of the Qresearch board.
#memember 😉
<#412312406987898880> UPDATED
Good job grandma @Bro . The only thing I would add re that post is that they seem to be tying in Stormy Daniels in order to introduce it was in her possession, etc....Nah, don't buy any of that. Stormy is the "poof" that is there for msm to fawn over, and for this to get "coverage" that it can't just be washed out of the news cycle. Trump has done this time and again. COVFEFE? They fawned over that for a good couple of weeks, never realizing that they were imprinting it into people's heads.
So all of this stuff....Stormy...Cohen's just a means to get an imprint on all of this. Like look at all the heat Giuliani has taken by saying the things he has. Is he dumb? No, of course not. It's all a ruse to stir debate, to get it into the msm and into people's heads.
lol, is that someone I should know?
kinda looks like cernovich
Pamphlet. Corsi's little bitch.
is that the group running that 24 hr Q channel on youtube?
wth is up with Corsi saying all that shit abt CM /Q today??
guess corsi's gone to the dark side..