Message from @Swedish Chef
Discord ID: 489054217932111884
When big MAGA accounts put this shit is just damn frustrating. Fucking asshole.
And fuck you too, Trusty. LMAO
@everyone get ready to load the meme cannon!
I have never literally been tagged in this channel. 10/10 would do it again
Current theme:
Only when it’s “important” do I try to bother everyone..
@Swedish Chef get ready to bother everyone... a lot.
yep... Q just said filtering is off, meme away
The only tag I didn't mind
Is this a q discord?
We are loud and proud kek
Executive Order 13526
Sec. 1.7. Classification Prohibitions and Limitations.
(a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:
(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;
Good post @WildMan
Check out michael trimms tweet
Oh no,TrustyBot is angry! Have mercy on us!!
Lmfao... I so glad someone else has the same humor.. it’s laughable at this point..
@Protect6/14-46 here they come.. first teh reddits and next twatters..
CEO of JP Morgan. Obama had given him the presidential cufflinks
I was just sent this..
If that isn't proof I dunno what is