Message from @crayfish

Discord ID: 646909790575919127

2019-11-21 03:08:15 UTC  

**d**: 1.The [fourth] letter in [the alphabet] located between [c and e].
2. Another way to say dick
*1. [A B C] D E
2. [She wants the D]!*
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2019-11-21 03:08:16 UTC  

sure you taste good

2019-11-21 03:08:19 UTC  


2019-11-21 03:08:19 UTC  

-df q

2019-11-21 03:08:19 UTC  

**Q**: Historically, this is the best name to [bestow] on any [new human]. And some [studies have shown] people who’ve changed their name to Q, later in life, significantly improved the universe.
*“Yes, it’s literally just the [letter] Q. And [no I] don’t watch [Star Trek] “*
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2019-11-21 03:08:22 UTC  

-df s

2019-11-21 03:08:22 UTC  

**S**: This weird letter that is always automatically [typed in] the “Word” Bar when you try to [upload] a word into [the Urban Dictionary]...
*“S” probably stands for the word SpermatogenesisicalieperiocladicleesötĂĄ[ans]. Well, actually, that isn’t a word, but I uploaded it to the Urban Dictionary and no one [voted] it to be in it yet [god damn it], so do it NOOOOOWWWWWW.........*
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2019-11-21 03:08:25 UTC  

No eating humans

2019-11-21 03:08:25 UTC  

-df t

2019-11-21 03:08:25 UTC  

because of college and uni, however I could've done it during the summer but I was too much of a pussy

2019-11-21 03:08:25 UTC  

**T**: N. [crystal meth]. Often used to refer specifically to 1/16 ounce of crystal meth (half an [eight ball]). The term originated as follows: "crystal" was referred to as "[christina];" "christina" was shortened to "tina," which was shortened to T. --tina syn.
*[Tweaker] 1: Dude, you know anyone who's selling? I wanna get [a T].
Tweaker 2: Yeah, I got a contact. [Lemme get] her number.*
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2019-11-21 03:08:27 UTC  

-df poop

2019-11-21 03:08:27 UTC  

**Poop**: [Excretion] from the [anal cavity]. [See below] for examples.
*[GHOST Poop]: The kind where you feel the Poop come out, but there is no Poop in the toilet.

[CLEAN Poop]: The kind where you [Poop it out], see it in the toilet, but there is nothing on the paper.

[WET Poop]: The kind where you wipe your butt 50 times and it still feels un-wiped, so you have to put some toilet paper between your butt and your underwear so you don't ruin them with a stain.

SECOND WAVE Poop: This happens when you're done Pooping and you've pulled your pants up to your knees, and you realize that you have to Poop some more.

POP-A-VEIN-IN-YOUR-FOREHEAD-Poop: The kind where you strain so much to get it out, you practically have a stroke.

[LINCOLN LOG] Poop: The kind of Poop that is so huge you're afraid to flush without first breaking it into little pieces with the toilet brush.

GASSEY Poop: It's so noisy, everyone within earshot giggles.

DRINKER Poop: The kind of Poop you have the morning after a night of drinking. Its most noticeable trait is the skid marks on the bottom of the toilet.

CORN Poop: (Self-explanatory)

GEE-I-WISH-I-COULD-Poop-Poop: The kind where you want to Poop, but all you do is set on the toilet and fart a few times.

SPINAL TAP Poop: This is when it hurts so badly coming out you'd swear it was leaving you sideways.

[WET CHEEKS] Poop: ([The Power Dump]). The kind that comes out of your butt so fast, your butt cheeks get splashed with water.

LIQUID Poop: The kind where yellowish-brown liquid shoots out of your butt and splashes all over the toilet bowl.

[MEXICAN Poop]:It smells so badly that your nose burns.

UPPER CLASS Poop: The kind of Poop that has no odor.

THE SURPRISE Poop: You are not at the toilet because you think you are about to fart but...oops...a

2019-11-21 03:08:27 UTC  

GG @crayfish, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-11-21 03:08:27 UTC  

-df w

2019-11-21 03:08:27 UTC  

Poop!!! THE DANGLING Poop: This Poop refuses to drop into the toilet even though you know you are done Pooping it. You just pray that a shake or two will cut it loose. *
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2019-11-21 03:08:28 UTC  

**W**: W can be [used] for [anything] [positive]
*[Mario's discord] is a W you should join it at [discord]. [gg]/cddUcge*
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2019-11-21 03:08:30 UTC  

-df pee

2019-11-21 03:08:30 UTC  

**pee**: the little tinkeling sensation...either, on the toilet, [in your pants], on a rock, in [a bush], on someone else, in a cup/pot, in the shower, and the main place...POOL
*it is yellow or sometimes clear.
*very warm
*[look in] [ur] [toilet]....*
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2019-11-21 03:08:32 UTC  

-df s

2019-11-21 03:08:33 UTC  

-df urine

2019-11-21 03:08:33 UTC  

**S**: This weird letter that is always automatically [typed in] the “Word” Bar when you try to [upload] a word into [the Urban Dictionary]...
*“S” probably stands for the word SpermatogenesisicalieperiocladicleesötĂĄ[ans]. Well, actually, that isn’t a word, but I uploaded it to the Urban Dictionary and no one [voted] it to be in it yet [god damn it], so do it NOOOOOWWWWWW.........*
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2019-11-21 03:08:33 UTC  

**urine**: [liquid] [excreted] by the [kidneys]
*If you are [dying of thirst], it is better to drink [someone else's] urine rather than your own because your body has already [rejected] yours.*
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2019-11-21 03:08:40 UTC  

-df orgasm

2019-11-21 03:08:40 UTC  

**orgasm**: a [science] teachers worst [nightmare], you don't want to accidentally say it in a room full of [13 year olds].
*"So today we'll be [talking] about [orgasms]"
"[oh shit]"*
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2019-11-21 03:08:44 UTC  

luckily the public transports here are pretty good

2019-11-21 03:08:44 UTC  

-df porn

2019-11-21 03:08:45 UTC  

oh right europe and urbanization

2019-11-21 03:08:45 UTC  

**Porn**: [Alright mate], I know your probably at school, all the good sites have been blocked, I've been there myself, but resorting to searching for it [on here] really does indicate that [you need to get laid]. Quick.
*Porn, [no mate], not here.*
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2019-11-21 03:08:50 UTC  

-df pornhug

2019-11-21 03:08:50 UTC  

No result :(

2019-11-21 03:08:51 UTC  

I kill gays daily

2019-11-21 03:08:55 UTC  

-df pornhub

2019-11-21 03:08:55 UTC  

**Pornhub**: A website that has a way [friendlier] [comment section] than [Youtube] does
**Me asking for help on homework*
Me: "[Do any] of you know the answer to [3x]+2=14"
Fortfag01: "Figure it out you [fucking retard]."
Me: "Fuck this site, I'm going to Pornhub where I can get some real help."

Me: "Do any of you know the answer to 3x+2=14"
felchgod69: "Oh yeah the answer is just x=4"
Me: "Thanks!"*
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2019-11-21 03:08:56 UTC  

People burning is pretty better but eating them after is disgusting

2019-11-21 03:09:00 UTC  

curbstomp gays

2019-11-21 03:09:02 UTC  
2019-11-21 03:09:03 UTC  


2019-11-21 03:09:03 UTC  

-df pomp

2019-11-21 03:09:03 UTC  

**pomp**: Shortened spelling of [pompadour]. A hairstyle popular amongst [rockabilly] and [greaser] males.
The hair is dressed with grease and combed back from the forehead and also up so that some height is gained.

Females may also have a similar style coupled with a ponytail but pins and grips are used in place of grease.
*[Gimme some] [grease]! My pomp is [wilting]!*
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2019-11-21 03:09:09 UTC  

only delete the impure gays