Message from @DeusVolt
Discord ID: 477027794518409217
i think one AAA team could take a hit from one measely country from EU lol
i dont think any other country would care that a AAA team fought for the right to not have to censor their art
An indie team already set the precedent that it can be OK in a video game. Assuming that would mean it's fine for other games that's why I say it would just be a PR issue. But really no amount of pearl clutching is going to stop a video game from selling.
i assume its more likely that the indy game is too small, and the team didn't care if they had sales in germany
where as AAA are too afraid of being sued
Like I said this court decision only happened in the last few months, so it may take some time for its affects to be seen.
maybe if a mass is doing the shooting
nah get flamethrower
from Elon's Boring Company
just get the same guns cops use to stop mass shooters
oh right those are illegal
Why don't they just make the mass shootings illegal 🤔
Look at the pistol grip.
This is in California.
If we really wanted to stop mass shootings we would make sex with gamers mandatory for females
But females don’t care about ***gamer oppression*** enough to make it happen
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wtf that paint job looks like garbage
Why are people from California so retarded
I’m not sure why you’d desecrate a firearm like that... keep it classy
Reminder that I am a prophet:
inb4 Holocauster Tycoon 3 finally gets released
God, they would make it into a simulator game
Call of Duty WWII had all the Swastikas removed from the game...
@d3adlyz3bra it's rhodie paint
Rhodesian Bush Camo (Standard for FALs in Rhodesian Military Service, but not their shiny white legs)
still doesnt make it any more aesthetically pleasing lol... even on the FAL it looks like garbage
just looks like someone took a spray can to it... and i doubt serves any actual purpose
actually it looks like feces finger painted...
An alternate name is "Baby poop camo"
pretty accurate... would be great for hiding your rifle in piles of baby poop but not much else lol. seen one that made it look like the rifle was dirty..
i mean i guess if you dont actually use the rifle you would need paint to make it look dirty
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Praise be to Gun Jesus!