Message from @taekahn

Discord ID: 514532486261243922

2018-11-19 22:32:48 UTC  

Fuckin mong

2018-11-19 22:33:15 UTC  

well roughly is still 72% which is quite a difference

2018-11-19 22:33:34 UTC  

also we lose some of that density due to our lungs

2018-11-19 22:33:56 UTC  

and the human body doesnt stay too well together when it has a hole in it

2018-11-19 22:34:00 UTC  

if the 20mm is AP with a steel core that'd make a big difference.

2018-11-19 22:34:47 UTC  

or tungsten rounds

2018-11-19 22:35:00 UTC  

which is also AP

2018-11-19 23:27:59 UTC  

I was wondering; they probably need to file a tax stamp for every round

2018-11-19 23:28:03 UTC  

even if it's inert

2018-11-20 00:59:22 UTC  

i doubt that. they're probably a manufacturer registered with the government.

2018-11-20 00:59:27 UTC  

different laws apply.

2018-11-20 07:21:27 UTC  

Let's start a fight. Flashlights with pistols. Mounted or freehand?

2018-11-20 07:46:47 UTC  

I don't see a problem with mounted as long as they aren't 500 pounds

2018-11-20 13:44:48 UTC  

**Forgotten Weapons** Uploaded a new youtube video!

2018-11-20 13:50:33 UTC  

mounted flashlight means you have to have a holster formed for it.

2018-11-20 13:50:52 UTC  

not a big deal for a duty pistol, but a pain in the ass for CCW

2018-11-20 18:31:09 UTC  

Gun Control, meet State Ownership of the means of production! Next stop, utopia

2018-11-20 20:08:24 UTC  

don't need to read past the first paragraph of the article

2018-11-20 20:08:29 UTC  

first, it goes RIGHT into blaming the NRA

2018-11-20 20:08:32 UTC  

because of course it does

2018-11-20 20:08:36 UTC  


2018-11-20 20:08:56 UTC  

Banning military-style semiautomatic weapons, regulating magazine clips, closing the gun show loophole, and preventing people with domestic violence restraining orders from acquiring weapons might well reduce levels of gun violence—to some extent. But it is hard to argue that these reforms, even if they all went into effect, would do much more than put a modest dent in the problem, and for a simple reason: there are just too many guns floating around.

2018-11-20 20:09:23 UTC  

The author clearly does not know what they are talking about

2018-11-20 20:10:16 UTC  

`magazine clips`
Are they worried about people making collages?

2018-11-20 20:10:33 UTC  

That is my biggest fear

2018-11-20 20:11:36 UTC  

Won't somebody please think of the children 😥

2018-11-20 20:28:04 UTC  

lovely how he inadvertently dismisses most of the arguments people use when they advocate gun control...won’t do more than “modestly dent” gun violence stats *tip fedora

2018-11-20 20:48:43 UTC  

I'm more taken aback by his not even attempting to address the underlying social issues driving gun homicide. If you don't, then even if you can magically remove the guns you'll just replace them with bombs, knives, or chemical attacks. We'll have drug dealers doing drive by acid tossing. Frankly I'd rather get shot.

2018-11-20 20:57:16 UTC  

So, you know how you always hear about 'gun deaths' rather than homicides when it comes to gun control, because suicide makes up 2/3 of gun deaths, so it inflates the number? I've also heard that people who live in a household with guns are far more likely to commit suicide, but does anyone know if there's any data that would indicate the number of firearms purchased with the intent of using them for suicide?

2018-11-20 20:58:18 UTC  

Like what percentage of those who commit suicide via gun have purchased a gun within a couple months of doing it?

2018-11-21 01:29:32 UTC  

Pretty sure that would require an investigative study, and that study would have to be approved by ethics boards, and I highly doubt they'd allow that kind of study to be done. Ethical concerns around snooping through gun purchase records of people who killed themselves just to sum it up in a chart and all.

2018-11-21 01:56:09 UTC  

This is why we need mad social scientists.

2018-11-21 01:56:25 UTC  

All the lack of restraint and ethics, but focused on statistics and demographics studies.

2018-11-21 02:06:52 UTC  

Anyone here interested in recovering old Russian nukes and fixing one up?

2018-11-21 02:08:19 UTC  


2018-11-21 02:09:25 UTC  

right then

2018-11-21 02:09:35 UTC  

find a place that we can rent a sub and tender at

2018-11-21 02:09:58 UTC  

smallest tender you can find and sub needs to have 1600m crush depth or above