Message from @Eirene

Discord ID: 525194109372071936

2018-12-20 05:28:21 UTC  

Problem is that you can clean up after a gunfight, but nukes leave the land dead for quite a while

2018-12-20 06:00:32 UTC  

@Eirene Yeah, you're right about that.
the beginning is often the beginning of the end.

2018-12-20 06:02:05 UTC  

Imagine if infringing on certain rights of others ended up having you stripped of those rights....

2018-12-20 06:04:23 UTC  

Not Really Bookworm. Read 2A.

2018-12-20 06:05:39 UTC  

A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of
a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms
shall not be infringed.

2018-12-20 06:05:56 UTC  

What is a Militia?

2018-12-20 06:06:34 UTC  

"a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency."

2018-12-20 06:06:59 UTC  

basically like in Red Dawn

2018-12-20 06:07:30 UTC  

Red dawn was a documentary

2018-12-20 06:08:09 UTC  

In every sense a Militia is "The people" who are armed with small arms that can be called upon for defense of their local area. They are either the absoulte first or last line of mobilization.

2018-12-20 06:09:33 UTC  

So arguing about the Second Amendment covering Nukes is a distracting bit of hyberoly meant to distract from the core issue, the Second Amendment says the people have a right to keep firearms.

2018-12-20 06:10:12 UTC  

it also written was back in the day when "small arms" were almost = in firepower to what the military had (british)

2018-12-20 06:11:06 UTC  

to such an extent that the people overthrew the british

2018-12-20 06:11:18 UTC  

According to the Federalist Papers the founding fathers wanted the general public to be armed just as well if not better then the average infantry soldier and until about the Great War they were.

2018-12-20 06:11:28 UTC  

Firearms are protected by the 2nd amendment but thats not the end all be all

2018-12-20 06:12:06 UTC  

It wasn't really until the National Firearms Act that the American Citizen was probihited from being better armed than the Army

2018-12-20 06:12:53 UTC  

Lets stay on the average guys

2018-12-20 06:13:13 UTC  

>this one rich dude owns a bunch of pre 1986 machine guns

Means nothing, the hughes amendment is effectively a machine gun ban and should be found unconstitutional

2018-12-20 06:13:46 UTC  

A lot of people are arguing for the repeal of the entire NFA

2018-12-20 06:13:53 UTC  

all you need is a bulldozer and an angry engineer

2018-12-20 06:13:57 UTC

2018-12-20 06:14:21 UTC  

NFA repeal is the ideal but hughes amendment is arguably worse than the NFA

2018-12-20 06:14:29 UTC  

(was a sad story actually, guy got screwed by the local govt and big business)

2018-12-20 06:15:26 UTC  

In the 1950's New York kids built pistols out of stuff from hardware stores.

2018-12-20 06:15:35 UTC  

Only two murders have happened with post 1934 legal machine guns, the hughes amendment is not saving lives and is artifically increasing the value of pre 1986 machine guns, barring them from the average citizen

2018-12-20 06:15:37 UTC  

if people can be armed as well as the military it will bump up the cost of running police as well...

2018-12-20 06:17:03 UTC  

Not really. Have you read "More Guns Less Crime"? the book started out as an anti-firearms thesis that flipped when criminologest started researching. A better armed public has less crime overall

2018-12-20 06:17:38 UTC  

John Lott was originally anti gun?

2018-12-20 06:18:11 UTC  

It wasn't until he started researching that he realized he was wrong and changed his mind.

2018-12-20 06:18:43 UTC  

Wow thats really cool, i read his book "the war on guns" but didn't know about that

2018-12-20 06:19:54 UTC  

Across the board when you have apple to apple conparisons of jurisdictions with simular Demographics, economics, cultural indicators and the variable is firearms possesion, there is less crime, less murders, less violent crime,

2018-12-20 06:20:22 UTC  

Lott and others have been saying this for years.

2018-12-20 06:22:21 UTC  
2018-12-20 06:24:37 UTC  


2018-12-20 06:27:13 UTC  

Just like the Left wants

2018-12-20 08:12:05 UTC  

Well I already called my Rep once this week

2018-12-20 08:42:18 UTC  


2018-12-20 09:50:47 UTC  


2018-12-20 10:10:27 UTC  

so much reloading today