Message from @Khanclansith

Discord ID: 546065071277604876

2019-02-15 20:22:43 UTC  

room clearing isnt worth it in this scenario

2019-02-15 20:23:13 UTC  

NYC is you guys problem.

2019-02-15 20:23:16 UTC  

Wait, we should stop talking about how we would take down everything, the PATRIOT act is still a thing

2019-02-15 20:23:16 UTC  

Plz clean up

2019-02-15 20:23:25 UTC  

CT and MA too

2019-02-15 20:23:27 UTC  

my only concern is being stuck in the dead center of a lefty area

2019-02-15 20:23:57 UTC  

granted theres a lot of true southerners here

2019-02-15 20:23:57 UTC  

CT would get cleaned up if NYC got locked down at lunch time on a work day.

2019-02-15 20:24:02 UTC  

and most of the lefties dont have guns

2019-02-15 20:24:11 UTC  

but nowhere would be safe

2019-02-15 20:24:26 UTC  

They'll try to convince mr Dess to wear a pussy hat

2019-02-15 20:25:12 UTC  

AOC already wants to starve NYC with her Green New Crack Pipe Dream

2019-02-15 20:25:19 UTC  

>not wanting to be on every government watch list

2019-02-15 20:26:01 UTC  

Oh yea, I was walking down the street lastnight for a stroll, walked into a gift shop because roomate wants to look around in there

2019-02-15 20:26:05 UTC  

i probably already am

2019-02-15 20:26:14 UTC  

saw they were selling AOC magnets

2019-02-15 20:27:08 UTC  

along with trump mocking magnets. "days didnt embarrassed the nation: 0" while having pussy hat stuff near by

2019-02-15 20:27:29 UTC  

Let see. if you worry about embarassement. and you have pussy hat products..

2019-02-15 20:27:29 UTC  


2019-02-15 20:27:31 UTC  

he may have embarrassed the nation but at least he accomplished some things

2019-02-15 20:27:38 UTC  

Green New Deal bans the farm equipment and fertilizers needed to make the Industrial farming required to feed the nation, and then ban the logistics networks needed to feed places like NYC and cities across the country

2019-02-15 20:28:05 UTC  

At least trump is putting up supreme court justices that are more willing to protect the 2nd amendment

2019-02-15 20:28:06 UTC  

ummm some guy talking shit? Or wearing genitals.. 🤔

2019-02-15 20:28:27 UTC  

I may lean left but if you want to mess with my rights you can go fuck yourself

2019-02-15 20:28:40 UTC  

Reevaluate your party's platform and try again

2019-02-15 20:29:28 UTC  

having liberal idealologies isnt a bad thing. the difference is when you become an authoritarian and start forcing others to your will.

2019-02-15 20:29:31 UTC  

ANTIFA, being better NEONAZIs than self discribed NEO-NAZIS

2019-02-15 20:29:48 UTC  

Yeah i lean more libertarian than i do left

2019-02-15 20:29:54 UTC  

Thats whats a liberal vs a communist

2019-02-15 20:31:31 UTC  

I think the problem is that our society has been so good , people need to find problems to be outraged at

2019-02-15 20:33:07 UTC  

Intersectionality fits into the Ethos of National Socialism too perfectly, Split everyone up on demographic lines and make the angry at each other.

2019-02-15 20:34:46 UTC  

A citizen has the right to self defense, slave do not. This is a principle of the Ancient Greeks, Alfred's Book of Doom and the US Federalist Papers.

2019-02-15 20:35:54 UTC  

well a slave is "not a person"

2019-02-15 20:36:13 UTC  

like anyone that doesnt fit in your intersectionality

2019-02-15 20:36:30 UTC  

Here is the nazi intersectionality

2019-02-15 20:36:58 UTC

2019-02-15 20:38:35 UTC  

And the penalty is death

2019-02-15 20:43:00 UTC  


2019-02-15 20:45:01 UTC  

I know a lot of the people I have talked to on the Boarders want their walls. When I talk to anti-wall people they live no where near the boarders...

2019-02-15 21:10:03 UTC  

Lot of them are idealists