Message from @Khanclansith
Discord ID: 547821373586669568
That movie is beautiful
Drinking game "Everytime someone screams for a medic, take a shot!"
_noms on girl scout cookies_
dies about 15 minutes into the movie
@Pawteegal_❤❄🍑 gib mint thins
_feeds the Dess_
Oh damn, didn't know there was an HK manufacturer in Georgia
The firearms messiah has arrived.
**Forgotten Weapons** Uploaded a new youtube video!
@EdWood HK bought, built and opened the GA plant to make the XM-8s back in the early 2Ks, but that went no where.
Man, I want a gun. Good thing I'm planning on joining the military.
21 you can get a Hi-point for $200
Thank you, Hi-Point.
I would even go so far as to say that your most recent guns don't look like they came from a nintendo 64 game.
Some time this year they have a "Tactical" C9 coming out with double stack 15(?) round mag and threaded barrel for the same $200MSRP
I'm also looking forward to a little training with my firearm acquisition.
A few of the FFLs around here also have ranges and they will teach you the basics when you buy a firearm
I'm trying to dodge acknowledging that I don't have the money for it. :v Or... well I do, but I'm not sure student loans are meant to be spent on guns, lol.
Summer is comming around, I could get a glock after a month working a summer camp in the day
You sure could!
G20 G4 4.61IN 10MM GAS NITRIDE 10+1RDG20 G4 4.61IN 10MM GAS NITRIDE 10+1RD
(In Stock)
At Brownells now
Hes right here
I will save us all
I will get the normies to appreciate firearms
Honestly just start with the lower @SinSanguine
Get yourself a lower and build it slowly from therr
@Deagle I recommend an Entry Corporate made AR-15 pattern carbine for a first timer... then building your own later. That is just me
Maybe. I went straight into building my first one
I built my own... but that was after I was in the army for years and did an armorers course
I'm a civilian with YouTube and money