Message from @Grovyle

Discord ID: 547980586174775302

2019-02-21 03:15:15 UTC  

I'm rather center

2019-02-21 03:15:36 UTC  

The right to own a howitzer belongs to every American citizen.

2019-02-21 03:15:44 UTC  

A disarmed public are not citizens but simply slaves

2019-02-21 03:16:02 UTC  

To me it's all about people being fear-mongered into it

2019-02-21 03:16:16 UTC  

because your day-to-day isn't affected by it.

2019-02-21 03:16:24 UTC  

I don't walk outside afraid somebody will shoot me

2019-02-21 03:16:40 UTC  

any more or less than I'm afraid of being run over by a drunk driver

2019-02-21 03:16:44 UTC  

The wording on I1639 itself is probably why it passed

2019-02-21 03:16:53 UTC  

"semi automatic assault rifles"

2019-02-21 03:16:57 UTC  

Well it's being brought to the supreme court

2019-02-21 03:17:09 UTC  

That will take a while for it to go through

2019-02-21 03:17:17 UTC  

It also failed to state a lot of what I1639 actually does beyond "regulating" them

2019-02-21 03:17:35 UTC  

Imma live in those counties tho

2019-02-21 03:17:38 UTC  

And then 1639 had many issues regarding the ballot initiative process itself

2019-02-21 03:17:56 UTC  

I just got myself a WASR-10 today before 1639 kicks in

2019-02-21 03:18:15 UTC  

Also it's always advertised as "Gun-safety" and not "Gun-regulation"

2019-02-21 03:18:44 UTC  

Which I can't help but feel is a bit disingenuous because accidents are not why people want gun control

2019-02-21 03:18:44 UTC  

"gun safety"
"gun sense"
"gun reform"
"common sense"

2019-02-21 03:18:57 UTC  

"Common sense" makes me rage

2019-02-21 03:19:03 UTC  

They use whatever they can do avoid saying "gun control"

2019-02-21 03:19:12 UTC  

the american public does not want to feel "controlled"

2019-02-21 03:19:17 UTC  

If you have to make a "Common Sense" law. YOU HAVE FAILED

2019-02-21 03:19:19 UTC  

It's been "common sense" for like 20 years now

2019-02-21 03:19:54 UTC  

If it was common sense, then why wasn't it done during the first "common sense" legislation?

2019-02-21 03:20:45 UTC  

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." That means the people should have the TO&E for an individual Light Infantry trooper.

2019-02-21 03:21:13 UTC  

"well regulated"
it says well regulated so you have no right to keep and bear arms whatsoever, the militia is the government /s

2019-02-21 03:21:45 UTC  

Well regulated just means "well prepared"

2019-02-21 03:23:12 UTC  

IN military terms "Well Regulated" now means "Complete load out of Table of Orginazation and Equipment" (TO&E)

2019-02-21 03:24:14 UTC  

So I should have like

2019-02-21 03:24:27 UTC  

Plates and helm

2019-02-21 03:24:45 UTC  

and a full-auto capable rifle

2019-02-21 03:24:54 UTC  

Which seems pretty standard

2019-02-21 03:24:57 UTC  

with a 14.5 inch barrel no less

2019-02-21 03:25:12 UTC  

Everybody should be allowed to an an M4

2019-02-21 03:25:37 UTC  

back when the nfa was being challenged in court it was argued that short barreled shotguns were not in military use so the nfa was constitutional

2019-02-21 03:25:46 UTC  

now NFA items are used by the military all the time

2019-02-21 03:26:21 UTC  

Literally the Mk18 and short-barreled M870s are perfect examples

2019-02-21 03:27:19 UTC  

about 75% of the Swiss military is Militia Regiments, every member has their complete kit including their STG in their home.

2019-02-21 03:29:06 UTC  

A TO&E for a militia member should include a Moderine intermediate carbine (AR-15/ AKpattern or simular) web gear to carry at least 6 magazines, and a stock of ammo for the magazines

2019-02-21 03:30:31 UTC  


2019-02-21 03:30:49 UTC  

This solves the "but should every citizen be allowed to own nukes??" problem