Message from @benjw
Discord ID: 656107558259654707
Don’t lol
not of the drink
Heineken is like the shittiest bear we have
our bookies is up and runnin
Cause he drinks loads
Don’t poison your system
Heineken is okay
Ben don’t care
He mad
Don’t offend the dutch
He insane
ben likes the poison
Dutch courage
the dutch do know how to make a good drink
You idiots drink cores light
We like alcohol
Belgian is where it’s at
Cores light is 20% cats piss
Might as well drink shandy
what is cores light?
as my dad said, I had 15 pints and still go strong
good evening I hate democracy
can not back with evidence
If u can’t take at lease 5 pints
U snowflake
Imagine being an authoritarian cuck @Deleted User
WHAT IS Cores light????
Wtf is light beer anyway?
"cuck" is a feminine attribute
authoritarianism is masculine
imagine dissing my man @Deleted User
your logic fails
U don’t wna know stresbal
We don’t have light beer
Authoritarianism is for men of action. Democracy is for women and homosexuals.