Message from @Bookworm
Discord ID: 510182422038708237
What did the Commies do like kill 2 Million peoples per Year??
sorry, but he Commies aren't any better than the Nazis. And didn't even had a vision, only Power in their mind....
Guesstimated Death Toll is somewhere around 30 Million killed due to Communism (w/o Wars!) in Soviet Union, another ~60 Million or so in China.
difference is - commies didn't discriminate between races, they killed everyone equally
nazis bad because they were race baiters
And that makes it better?! Are you Crazy?!
Nazis only killed enemys.
While commies starved and killed their own people
"At least when I kill people it's on purpose!"
"I'll have you know I kill people on accident *and* on purpose!"
Right, forgot the Holodomor!
that was the most evil in the last Century!
You shoot a starving person that is looking for something to eat/to survive.
Yes. They both suck. Why is it too hard for people to say that?
Because everything belongs to the State....
Clearly both were not very good nations as we would judge them.
Well commies were jews so those people they starved and killed werent even their own people
But when you're between them, you pick one or the other.
If you don't, you die.
```Yes. They both suck. Why is it too hard for people to say that?```
If Nazis are evil, so are commies!
But I'd say Commies are more evil than the Nazis.
```But when you're between them, you pick one or the other.```
Due to what I know, I'd slightly prefer the Nazis over the Commies. See Holodomor. That's the most evil any person can do.
Not all Jews are commies and not all commies are Jews. Why is that hard to understand @Jasse ?
Horthy: "Which one is not Communist? That one."
USSR leaderahip was over 90% jews.
And they killed tens of milions russians.
But how many Jews did they kill?
Who cares? That’s the same exact logic that SJWs use for ‘white privilege’ and for calling all white people bad.
Why does everyone care so much about how many jews they killed? That makes it sound like the life of a Jew has more worth than the life of a non Jew....
So jews can slaughter tens of milions of people and its ok.
And when 150k jew that were enemys of state died in camps it most horrible thing ever and germans needs to be punished for that
@Stefan Payne That’s not the point and you know it.
You're both right.
@Jasse No, genocide is wrong for everyone. Stop moving the goalposts.
Jews don't matter any more than anyone else.
So, Cat, would you say that the Nazis were better, equal to, or worse than the Soviet Russians?
Is there anything worse than Soviet Russia and Mao's China??
where the memes at
Its really hard to top THAT in recent years. The only thing that come to mind might be some Islamic Countrys.
"dank-memes-only" <:hm3:417749020912648202>
I'm really surprised a racist or very Un PC version of this hasn't been made yet
anyone know an easy way to stitch a picture and a gif into 1 image? Need it for some mememaking
Yeah its called copy and paste in mspaint
mspain will preserve the gif?