Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 417971848828157972

2018-02-27 09:08:05 UTC  

so for minimum wage people, its very beneficial to get rid of illegal workers

2018-02-27 09:08:14 UTC  

^ ^ ^ absolutely

2018-02-27 09:08:30 UTC  

Either abolish illegal immigrants

2018-02-27 09:08:34 UTC  

or abolish minimum wage

2018-02-27 09:08:41 UTC  

one or the other. You can't have both exist.

2018-02-27 09:08:55 UTC  

And our minimum wage, for the most part, dictates the price of goods

2018-02-27 09:09:06 UTC  


so neither should exist

2018-02-27 09:09:17 UTC  

I'd be okay with that, too.

2018-02-27 09:09:28 UTC  

i mean, the idea of higher minimum wages shound nice

2018-02-27 09:09:39 UTC  

but employers that need to pay more wages won't take it out of their own salaries, they'll charge the consumer

2018-02-27 09:09:41 UTC  

I lived in DC.

2018-02-27 09:09:45 UTC  

like a store would just up its prices

2018-02-27 09:09:48 UTC  

19/h there

2018-02-27 09:09:53 UTC  

was the equivalent of 12/h elsewhere

2018-02-27 09:09:56 UTC  

not TOO bad

2018-02-27 09:09:58 UTC  

but not great.

2018-02-27 09:10:09 UTC  

also, more like 10/h elsewhere

2018-02-27 09:10:12 UTC  


2018-02-27 09:10:24 UTC  

(the minimum wage there was around $13/h I think?

2018-02-27 09:10:36 UTC  

With a minimum amount of 4 hours worked in a shift?)

2018-02-27 09:10:54 UTC  

that would only be beneficial if you commute

Live in a place where 10/h would be livable minimum wage, and then work where its 19/h, so you save 9/h 😛

2018-02-27 09:11:04 UTC  


2018-02-27 09:11:11 UTC  

conversely, the job market is a market too

2018-02-27 09:11:13 UTC  


2018-02-27 09:11:40 UTC  

Anywhere within the metro area, the county minimum wage would generally be higher, at least in maryland.

2018-02-27 09:11:45 UTC  


2018-02-27 09:11:47 UTC  

not quite as high as DC proper

2018-02-27 09:12:00 UTC  

but in order to compete with the DC job market, which would draw said commuters

2018-02-27 09:12:05 UTC  

they have to pay their employees more

2018-02-27 09:12:11 UTC  

i was just speculating what would be the only "true" benefit of having a high minimum wage in a certain area

2018-02-27 09:12:45 UTC  

Naah, you're kind of right.

2018-02-27 09:13:14 UTC  

plenty of people would actually live fairly deep into Northern Virginia, out of the reach of the metro system

2018-02-27 09:13:15 UTC  

well, commuting would generate transportation costs aswell

2018-02-27 09:13:21 UTC  


2018-02-27 09:13:44 UTC  

But all these people arguing for across-the-board raises to $15/h

2018-02-27 09:13:49 UTC  

don't understand what they're asking for.

2018-02-27 09:14:04 UTC  

well they don't understand how money works

You can't just generate value out of thin air

2018-02-27 09:14:24 UTC  

Tell that to the Treasury Department

2018-02-27 09:14:57 UTC

2018-02-27 09:15:07 UTC  

Walmart can't just suddenly pay people more and still break even the same

They'll have to increase costs, meaning that in the end, to compensate for that 15/h

they'll have to charge so much that people don't get any extra spending power because that 15/h they earn now nets them the same purchasing power because prices got inflated

2018-02-27 09:15:24 UTC  

and by increase costs i mean prices on their wares